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Realm of Telysa

The Realm of Telysa is the haven for wood elves and is a major center of the druidic faith. They are fiercely proud of their woodland realm, using their magic to cultivate it into a paradise. They rarely allow visitors into the forest and guard their secrets closely.

General information

  • Languages: Elvish, Druidic, Common
  • Demographics: Mostly wood elves, with a few other fey creatures. Very few humans, despite the proximity of the Princedom of Bavran.
  • Major settlements: City of Telya: otherwise, the country is mostly small settlements
  • Major Allies: The Queendom of Moriga
  • Major Rivals: The Princedom of Bavran has long been a rival of Telysa due to its encroachment on the plain between the rivers and the forest

Government organization

  • Leader Archdruid Solan
  • Secondary leader Archdruid Branwys
  • Governmental bodies: Ruled by a Council of Elders, who are the accomplished druids of Telysan society.


  • Only a minimal standing army, which typically just protects the edges of the forest.
  • Who is commander in chief? General Havarran
  • General info: the Telysan army is renowned for its guerrilla-style warfare and its soldiers' ability to hide in plain sight. Many noble families send their children there to receive training in this. However, Telysan warriors who wish to learn about heavy armor are often sent to foreign countries such as Dern or Bavran to study other ways of fighting.


  • Major Exports: wood, fruit, potions of healing, cloth, bows, etc.
  • Major Imports: Animals (as pets/mounts), spices, metal goods, stone, books, art
  • Smuggled/illicit items: alcohol, tobacco, plants (ei, moving/selling forest plants; this is considered an equal crime to murder)
  • Food: primarily plant-based though many druids will simply subsist on goodberries, especially the higher level ones. Most members of society are provided for in the most basic of senses this way
  • Note on the economy: Most people in Telysa don't use money in day-to-day transactions, though they do outside of the realm.


  • Descent & kinship systems
  • Inheritance rules: it is up to the individual to decide who inherits their belongings though most try to live as minimally as possible
  • Marriage & things: there is no formal marriage, co-habitating couples can come and go as they like from the relationship with no legal restrictions
  • Naming customs: if they are initiated as a druid, they choose a new name and are only know by that name thereafter
  • Virtues/Values: they value nature and beauty above all things, and are fiercely protective of nature


  • Main Deity: Alku
  • Secondary Deity: Rayna and Reia
  • Pantheons, priests, beliefs: As a druidic culture, rhe wood elves think it's weird that everyone else puts Rayna above Alku. They primarily worship Alku as the origin of all things.

Art, Architecture, & Literature

  • Main literary figures/works (ei, poetry, romances, histories, etc)
  • Art styles & motifs: they like intricate designs that resemble nature
  • Defining architectural features (ei, archs, fountains, use of particular methods or shapes): they build almost exclusively out of wood and often have buildings among the tree branches.


  • Major cities: the City of Telya, if it can truly be considered a city, lies at the very heart of the Forest pf Telysa
  • Major geophysical features (rivers, lakes, mountains, etc): There is a small lake in Telya that is called the Mere, which supposedly has magical properties. Druidic oracles drink from the lake to induce prophetic visions.
  • General climate: warm, but mildly season with occasional storms off the sea

Deep Roots Withstand the Strongest Winds

Founding Date
Geopolitical, Theocracy
Alternative Names
Telysa, the Woodland Realm
Head of State
Economic System
Mixed economy
Official State Religion
Subsidiary Organizations
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations

Articles under Realm of Telysa


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