
Brightkeep being the capital of Grindel is the largest city in the country. Connected with the cost a lot of trade come thought the capital. There is only one mine in this town as the founding queen wanted no blemishes to be in her sight so the mine is put at the base of the cliff and ios access by the docks. The city is split into four districts that surround the castle called The Steel Citadel the four district starting at the back and going to the right are called The Sunken docks, The Steaming Iron, The Shining pearl and The holy rode.

The Sunken docks

Lower down of the cliffs are a large set of docks built off a rocky beach where ships come to trade and get built. There are a lot of floating shops, houses and many shady pubs and taverns most of them made from wood from willow trees giving them a light grey ting to them witch quickly depends with the content splashing of waves.

The Steaming Iron

The right side of the city is filled with the middle class, with buildings made from logs and deep grey stone. Holding many different forms of craftsmanship such as smithing, woodcarving and leatherworking and many more as well many guilds that call the place home.

The Shining pearl

This miraculous and pristine area of the city mostly made from an immaculate white stone and dark wood. Holding many fine homes and stores within the walls that block the district form the rest of the town, the many that work and live in here appreciate the knowledge of safety and as such none but working guards and heard house guards are allowed to carry weapons and armour.

The holy rode

This district holds all of the church’s temples and shrines for gods that are commonly worshipped in the country, there are also housing and commodity for those that run and some that work in the temples.


There are manly species that live in this town is about:
  • Changelings 5%
  • Earth Genasis 5%
  • Mountain Dwarf's 10%
  • Humans 5%
  • Rock gnomes 5%
  • Sea Goliaths 15%
  • Stout halfling 5%
  • Other 50%


As the capital of Grindel, this place is governed by the royal family that delegate the day to day issue to the counsel of guilds and the act of tax collecting to the Steel shards [the guards of the capital].


Arranged around the main bulk of the city beside the docks are 30ft high stone walls with towers that go 20ft higher every 80ft. Along the wall arranged with 10 ft apart are large ballistae.

Industry & Trade

With the large amount of ships coming into town and the mine of mage stone, gold and adamantium the town has a large amount of income.

Guilds and Factions

Within each of the district are stores places of work and more.
The Sunken docks
  • Goldenheart trading outpost and storage
  • The Misty Mask [Wood caver]
Taverns, Inns and hotels
  • The Rare Orc Inn
  • The Hollow Cabbage
  • The Long Ship
  • The Annoying Worker
The Steaming Iron
  • The Hidden Raven
  • The Lazy Dwarf
  • The Wise Pear
  • The Smelly Twig
  • The Lazy Table
Guild Hall's
  • The Grand Hunters [Hunters Guild]
  • The Old Oak [wood carving]
  • The poping cauldron [Alchemist Guild]
  • Strapping Maps [Cartographer Guild]
  • The Grand Hunters [Hunters Guild]
  • The Shine up [Jelwers Guild]
The Shining Pearl
  • The Winking Elf [Magic Store]
  • The Red Mug [Herbalist]
  • The talking peacock [Taller]
  • The Golden Lion [Smithy]
  • The Elder Palms
  • The Ruby Gardens
  • The Grand Oak
  • The Sunset Wolf
  • The Jade Coast
  • The Nexus [Telepotating nexus]
  • The Terrarium [Libary]
Inhabitant Demonym
Grindelan, Daranes, Kapulian and Dundelian
Owning Organization
Characters in Location


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