
The mistress of dark magic

Once known to be the domain of The Father of Monsters, Cinderberelen has claimed this domain as her own as she became the mistress of curses and black magic empowering her followers in the schools of Illusion, enchantment and necrotic magic´s. As her followers are known to take complete hold of peoples minds and curses that will haunt them and their descendants.

The shadow weave

Not wanting her magic to be attached to the god Mugen she devised a plan and stole a part of the magic weave to plunge her dark power into and create the Shadow-weave a place were mages studying under her presence can pull magic from, in doing this there spells are protected from the interference of practitioners of the normal forms of magic as the two forms of magic repulse each other.

Claiming all magic

When taking a portion of the weave and making her own she grew a disdain for the normal weave, wanting it all to be under her control and take the spot of the greater power were Mugen sits. In this, she encourages her followers to kill any and all normal mages they come across especially those that teach others the practice only wanting her form to be known.

Hardly known on Fenrus

Herself and her siblings that were formed form the death of The Father of Monsters, they are gods that are kept in high regard by only the most detestable of beings with most other clergies trying to hide all knowledge of their existence with only stories of the three slipping out as tails of boogie men that parents tell the children to keep them safe, using very different names that often changes from story to story.

Divine Domains

Dark magic, Witches, Illusion, Enchantment and Necromancy

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A book with a weave behind it.

Tenets of Faith

  • Finding more to teach in her ways.
  • Kill those that use normal magic.
  • Destroy Kapuel.
Divine Classification
Lesser Power
Long raven
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale white


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