
The Land of druid and hunters were tribe are ruled by the fey and there lords and ladies. As the land was made and healed by the God Fen it has many ways into the Feywild so many untrained hunters and travellers can easily set into the land of the fey and not even notice and neither find there way out.

Mythology & Lore

It said that the God Fen found the endless wasteland that it was and said: "What happened here was a tragedy so I will heal it." and with those words, a luscious jungle raised from the desert sand and the land was born.

Tenets of Faith

  • Never waste the beast that you kill.
  • Do not kill for sport.
  • Treat the land as your friend and it will do the same.
Founding Date
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
Land of the Druids
Related Ethnicities


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