
The only mortal to ascend to godhood for her caring, love and respect for the animal of the land, she was gifted the power of godhood by Fen to be his opposition and his wife. While he protects the land she will punish those that unnecessarily hunt the beasts that are in their care. As one form of punishment she is known to do is turn those into the very thing they hunt, for dire situations she calls for the “Hunt.” The Hunt is when she calls for those who are blessed by her, her children, to hunt down and kill those who are cursed with the mark of the prey. While the Lycans that can control their gifts are blessed to be her children.

Divine Domains

The Moon, Nature and Curses

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Tenets of Faith

  • Be one with the land
  • Judgments must all ways be carried out 
  • Let out the beast within 
Divine Classification


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