The Yesterpact

of Feór

After the fall of the Feóran Empire, a new government was established by the people of Feór, with the goal that each group would be represented equally and fairly and no one group would have power over another. With this new government came the various territories of Feór.  

Territories of the Yesterpact

Feór is divided into six territories, and one semi-independent province. Each territory is lead by one of their own, with methods of election and succession decided upon by their own people. While each territory's leader holds sway over the lands within their borders, a council of leaders must convene for matters regarding the Feór as a whole.
TerritoryLand Area (mi2)Population

City-State Niamhjal

Independent of the other territories, and dependent to Feór as a whole, the city-state of Niamhjal serves as the administrative heart of the Yesterpact. Here, the national bank manages the nation's currency and offers material aid to those territories in need. To maintain balance, Niamhjal operates on a strict sanctioned economy with little to no private ownership. Though they never want for necessities, Niamans often forgo luxuries enjoyed elsewhere in Feór.  


Seal of Dhuerhjeld
The ancestral home of all Dhuer - or so the locals believe - the mountainous island of Dhuerhjeld is home to a fiercely productive people whose grasp of technology far outreaches that of the other territories. Here, the merchant and working classes strive to re-achieve the prosperity that was lost to the world so long ago. To this end, they sacrifice form and aesthetic in favor of function and efficiency, hewing bunkhouse and factory from the same rock face and wasting little time or expense on embellishment.  


Seal of Iversheil
Once exploited imperial farming colonies, the people of Feór's western plain were the first to raise the banner of rebellion and forge their own government. While these folk lack the deep history of the other territories, they are known for their strong-willed nature and egalitarian mindset. Turning their backs on the legacy of forced agriculture, Sheilan citizens often find work as skilled mercenaries and fishermen. Despite their troubled origins, there are many whose focus remains upon building a future, rather than dwelling on the wrongdoings of the past.  


Seal of Oro'Dhashi
The archipelagic territory of Oro'Dhashi is home to a seafaring people who draw their heritage from far off shores. Unlike elsewhere in Feór, the arcane arts are alive and well within the halls of the Oroan spires, shaping their architecture and the lives of their denizens. Those who do not aspire to be practitioners of the spark often make livings as shipwrights or some manner of artist. While many Oroans live a prosperous life, there are a small few whose ancestors were exiled from the mainland that eke out a living on the satellite island of Iro'Aita.  


Seal of Sans-Varga
Seated in the ash wastes of southwest Feór, Sans-Varga boasts an unexpected amount of security and prosperity for its harsh environs. Its hazardous terrain and lack of resources dissuades, would-be invaders and inspires a sense of communal duty within its borders. Because of this, the Sansian enjoy an air of security uncommon throughout the rest of Feór, which allows them to focus on cultural development. Despite its wealth and security, many of the other territories dismiss Sans-Varga as strange and uncivilized due to its high population of wildfolk.  


After the civil war, the northeastern tip of Feór was ceded to the Ort as reparation for their mistreatment under the empire. Many, however, viewed this as yet another sleight against their people, as this tract of land was harsh and lacked many of the resources required to survive. Despite this, the Ort and those that followed them were determined to conquer the savage steppes of their new home. A culture of skilled hunters and trackers arose as did the trade of scrapsmithing - solidifying the Uulan tribes' place in war-torn Feór.  


Seal of Wrotham
Once the seat of the empire, the eastern grass hills of Feór now belong to the territory of Wrotham. While imperial rule is long gone, an air of distrust still hangs over the territory. The descendants of the empire struggle to make amends with their neighbors and forge a new identity for themselves, even opting for a more democratic approach to governance. Wrotham has become a place of trade and learning and has opened its wealth of ruins, both pre-era and pre-history, to those with a thirst for knowledge and the courage to claim it.
Geopolitical, Country
Government System
Democracy, Parliamentary
Power Structure
Economic System
Mixed economy
Official State Religion
Subsidiary Organizations
Controlled Territories


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