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Halflings are similar to human folk that are about half their size. They are kind and curious folk. They are spread all around the Ferdlan, spreading joy and happiness. At least most of them. They are known for their unique hospitality and common skill of cooking and baking. There is also a saying: „If you somehow find a halfling that can’t cook, it will certainly sing and play for its food”. They are folk known for their somehow common luckiness, but they are also known for their ability to fall into trouble repeatably.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

<--Halflings vary in their physique depending on their origin. They divide themselves into two subraces:
  • Lightfoot halflings - Ancestors of those halflings have grown up in vast grasslands, which caused them to develop great dexterity, allowing them to move very quickly on their barefoot. They also appeared to be great in moving quiet but keeping their speed.
  • Thickpalm halflings - Those halflings have their origins in highlands and cold deserts. That life environment caused them to develop thick skin used in climbing and surviving harsh temperatures that are present in those places.-->
  • Additional Information

    Social Structure

    Halflings have always been connected only by UCCCAH (United Common Council Country of All Halflings), which has existed for over ten thousand years already. In the end, the only order that matters to them is one set by UCCCAH. They do not want to be divided by social structures that other races obey, as they tend to consider themselves equal. They feel like one big family to each other, so ones that break this custom and will put themselves over their kin will confront the hidden might of spies of UCCCAH and will disappear before they can do actual harm to halflings.

    Facial characteristics

    Halflings have similar facial characteristics to humans. They can grow facial hair like them, their facial bones can also vary in their structure, but unlike humans their eyes color do not vary, but they have eyes in shades of brown.

    Geographic Origin and Distribution

    Halflings are all around the world. Almost everyone has at least one halfling friend. They are known for their ubiquity.

    Average Intelligence

    Halflings are open to any knowledge they feel they can use in conversation, but they also have quite a knowledge about food, coooking and baking.

    Civilization and Culture

    Naming Traditions

    Halflings have a tendency to use first names they hear from other races and consider them beautiful or catchy. That has become a source of many misunderstandings as no one would have suspected Urug'kal to be a 70cm high halfling with a passion for painting, instead of a scary orc with a bloody axe on its back. Their most common surnames are: Bigfoot, Smallfoot, Licklefinger, Leafrunner, Foodstealer, Noteplayer.

    Major Organizations

    United Common Council Country of All Halflings - A powerful organization that is a replacement for halfling country. All halflings are subjects of the Halfing Council that is made of 50 secret councilhalflings, that have the power to change halflings rights in almost all of Ferdlan’s countries. It works through a net of halfling spies that influence the most important personas of each country and gather information for the Council about the state of halflings in that country etc.

    Average Technological Level

    Most of the halfling's discoveries are connected with cooking and baking. About half of them are recipes for the most delicious food and the other half are meant to make such food.

    Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

    You will never see a halfling in boots. It is considered almost forbidden and most surprising. Only a few cases that endanger halfling's feet are reasons for halfling to wear shoes.
    Halfling lifespan is assumed to be around 85 years, but it is commonly doubted as they tend to lie about their age.
    Average Height
    Around 100 cm.
    Average Weight
    Halflings weigh from 30 to 50kg.
    Average Physique
    Halflings are neither slim or plump. They always tend to stay somewhere in the middle. Most of them are not muscular, but can throw quite a punch if needed.
    Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
    Halflings are mostly light-skinned folk, but depending on the amount of sun they are exposed to, their skin can be tanned to the colour of light brown.
    Geographic Distribution

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