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Mivar, known as the City of Invention and Ideas, is the capital of the Republic of Nadal, but also a world capital of technological development. This is the city where all levitrain lanes had their beginnings before they became of global importance in trade and transport. Beneath the layer of technological miracles, inventional revelations and a cacophony of ideas, there is a great problem of the city, from which it has suffered for centuries. The city is divided into two, the island and the land. The first one, rich and full of happy people with the education necessary to become scholars and inventors. The second is in a much worse situation. The Bankcity, as it is called by inhabitants of the Mivar, is a place where all businessmen set their factories and manufactures and force the people there to work hard for payment barely high enough to survive another month. This became a source of the eternal conflict between two types of Mivaran inhabitants.


  • Gnomes - 20%
  • Halfings - 15%
  • Humans - 15%
  • Goblins - 15%
  • Dwarves - 10%
  • Spheretouched - 5%
  • Dragonborns - 4%
  • Durans - 4%
  • Tutans - 5%
  • Gubars - 1%
  • Orcs - 5%
  • Elves - 0.5%
  • Sarahs - 0.5%
  • Government

    Mivar is ruled by the Council of High Houses. It makes important decisions like appointing high positions in the city organization, changing the law of the city and they also are treated as a court of the city. It consists of nine heads of the highest houses in the city.


    The Islandcity is covered by a stone wall, made mostly to protect this part of the city from the river, but with the invention of the first guns, they were equipped with seven mighty cannons, able to shoot on a range of over 1km and strengthened by magic, causing cannonballs to accumulate temporarily spells. They were made with the thought of possible naval fight on Dabrath River, but appeared effective also to disrupt armies from long range before they even get to Mivar.

    Industry & Trade

    The most important trade income of Mivar is connected to factories and their products. Unique metals, mass-production guns and gunpowder are the most common Mivaran exports. Inventions coming out of Mivar are not so common since inventors of Mivar are mostly unwilling to share them, because of the variety of possible dangers that can come of wrong use.


    The main city is built on the island on the turn of the Dabrath River, which is connected with land by multiple levitrain lanes and the Clock Bridge. This part of the city is full of schools and inventors' workshops. The rest of it (called Bankcity), which includes multiple factories and shipyards, is built on the bank of the river.


  • District of Houses - This district is home to most of the houses of Mivar, including nine High Houses. It is kept clean and safe, thanks to multiple law enforcers patrolling its streets and keeping order. It is usually quite crowded because inventors search for their patrons among the nobility of Mivar, which lives there.
  • District of Invention - This district is the source of most of the noise that swirls through the city. Explosions are a usual phenomenon in this place, unless it destroys a building, then it can attract the attention of enforcers. Here inventors do their thing and keep working on more and more extraordinary inventions.
  • District of Education - This district is swarmed with students going from place to place in a constant rush, using every moment of break between lessons and learning they have. Rushing from one school to another, from the library to library, from the Announcement Square to the University of Mivar. One can find there all varieties of people from all over Ferdlan, with most unique minds that have their great ideas on improving the world they live in.
  • Bankcity:
  • Factory District - This district is very distinctive, even from outside of the city borders thanks to masses of smoke floating over it, poisoning slowly all its poor inhabitants. People there wear metal masks that have a purpose of filtering the smoked air, but those who live there long enough, do not have a need for it, as the poison of smoke in their lungs was there so long, their bodies adjusted to it. A view of a law enforcer is a common one here, as businessmen of Islandcity pay great money to keep their business safe and working.
  • Way District - This district is going through a whole Bankcity along the Clock Way, which connects two sides of Mivar. It became quickly swarmed with small markets, trying to attract travellers on their way to Islandcity, persuading them to buy on this side of the city. It is ruled by people of Bankcity, no enforcer is reckless enough to patrol the Way District, as very soon would they be taken into one of shady, narrow streets and beaten up for every copper carp they have. The power over it is in constant change, as gangs of the Bankcity constantly compete for dominance in the Bankcity's trade.
  • Overcity - This district is a part of the main Bankcity, which is placed overground. It is home for people that managed to stay out of the influence of Undercity and have some decent work, mostly thanks to deals with Bankcity's gangs. There are regular buildings of regular people that want to survive in Mivar in peace.
  • Undercity - This district is a part of the main Bankcity, which is place underground. It is no place for Islanders. This place is in constant chaos of wars between Bankcity's gangs, with drunkards lying on streets, dead bodies hidden in dark alleys and everyone keeping their hands on weapons. Law enforcers know about this place, but no one decides to act, because of the power of gangs, which are terrorizing inhabitants of Bankcity. It is thought that it is for the best to leave them alone, hoping they won't crawl out too far from the underground.
  • Guilds and Factions

    Inventors' Guild - it is an organization that is responsible for registering every invention and making the law of invention, which restricts inventors from endangering the city by a wrong use of materials. It also funds inventions that they find useful for the city. Some inventors are criticizing the Guild for its authoritarian way of controlling inventions and restricting the free minds of Mivaran.   Guild of Fire - it is an organization responsible for the work of factories, connecting industrialists and businessmen who have influence over factories in Bankcity. It regulates the prices of factories' products and restricts over export of important materials. It pays for the guard of factories, taking a percentage of each one's income.   The Quor - it is an organization that holds dominance in Bankcity, working its way to liberate it from the influence of the Islanders, fighting against cheap work in factories, trying to destroy them, since they bring poison in the smoke that covers most of the Bankcity. They want to separate themselves from the Mivar, creating their own city that would have its own representative in Nadal Conference.   Guild of Coin - id is an organization that holds dominance in trade of the city, controlling it and trying to bring most prosper to itself by taxes and bringing a variety of traders to their influence. They are responsible for order in merch transport by levitrains and other means of transport like ships from Dabrath River. They are said to be fueled by the corruption of coin, which consumed most of its members, giving opportunity for bribers, trying to smuggle their illegal and unsanctioned merch.


    Most of Mivaran buildings in Islandcity are made of stone, with wooden planks on the outside, imitating support for light-brown stone. They also have multiple windows and balconies coming out on the street. Their tops are covered with trapezoidal roofs covered with lime roof tiles, which allows movement across rooftops with help of narrow metal bridges put between most of the buildings. Buildings are separated with well-lit by the infused light network, cobblestone-covered roads, which usually swarm with people attending to their chores.   Buildings in Bankcity are much darker, because of the influence of smoke on its chemical structure. Rooftops rarely are covered with roof tiles, mostly finished flat, becoming a commonly used place of partying in the open air. Buildings are placed closely separated only with narrows, most usually muddy streets, but a few of the buildings have their entrance through the roof only, relying on the infused light network.


    Mivar is located on one side of the river and an island created naturally on the turn of Dabrath River. Water coming to the city is clean and fresh, but after the turn, it becomes slightly poisonous due to pollution made by multiple factories. Surrounding it there are vast plains and Mivar Forest in the middle of which there is a lonely mountain named Leaf Peak.

    Natural Resources

    Mivar chops down trees in Mivar Forest in order to get wood, nourishes itself with multiple farms and crop fields and surrounding plains, and also fishes on the river before it comes to the city. Stone and metals are brought by carriages from mine under Leaf Peak.
    Founding Date
    285 PG
    Alternative Name(s)
    City of Invention, City of Idea
    Inhabitant Demonym
    Location under
    Owning Organization

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