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Yrareal, the Lonely Orc

Yrareal, the Lonely Orc is one of the Ten Gods, who has authority over hate. Some legends and beliefs describe that his hate alone turned the Haadakra Sands into the vast desert they are now. He is depicted as a more than 2-metre-tall hunchbacked orc with skin covered in countless wounds and scars, hair wet with blood and eyes full of anger. The colour of his skin is always a matter of debate between fire and ice orcs, who cannot agree with each other on the subject. With both hands, he always supports himself on a dry acacia branch for support of his crooked right leg. Church of Yrareal uses a dry acacia branch as its holy symbol.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Many legends tell the story of Yrareal's origins, his tribe and the path he took to become the god of hate. Many of the details and parts of these stories differ, but each tells the identical story of the source of his wrath.

Long ago, when Ferdlan was still young, a new orc was born in the tribe. If everything had been in order, a celebration full of song and dance would have been held, but instead the night was full of rage and mourning. The child was born crippled. Graght'Aran took the newborn by its crooked leg and threw it off the precipice. Yrareal would not have survived had he not been found by another orc, banished from his tribe. This orc became a new father to him and raised him into a strong adult, able to survive even despite his disability.

One night, Yrareal returned home from a hunt, but found only a destroyed hut and his father murdered by an orc axe. Rage, anger and lust for revenge filled him, filling his bones, flowing in his blood and peering from his eyes. The onslaught of these emotions changed him, and also the space around him. The greenery around him, began to dry, the ground began to crumble, and the air was filled with flames feeding on Yrareal's hatred. The once beautiful area, turned into a desert, which many centuries later became known as the Haadakra Sands.

Divine Classification
Yellow, squinty
Shoulder-high, black, dirty with blood
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Grayish or orangish, depending on belief

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