Ekimra Renar

Lady / Mistress Ekimra Renar (a.k.a. The Godhand)

The head of the Imperial Guard, a survivor of the 7th Trial, a member of the FLORA party Division 7, and largely acknowledged as the most powerful healer on the continent.   Ekimra is a righteous, proper, and kind-hearted woman who cares deeply for her friends and family. Though she often comes across as uptight, those who know her are aware that she is simply trying to look out for everyone. As a half-elf, Ekimra was no stranger to discrimination and has experienced an ample level of harassment and abuse from those who see her as worthless.

Known History


Born as the bastard of a prominent Elf in the city of Gonereil and a human slave, Ekimra lived a life of poverty with her mother until the age of 6, when she began to show exceptional talent in healing magic. Her father, discovering her talents, adopted her as his child, taking her away from her mother and relocating her to his own estate. It is said that Ekimra's mother passed away shortly after parting with her daughter.   Though her living conditions were more lavish, Ekimra would find that her childhood would continue to be a struggle. Scorned by the rest of her family as well as the upper echelons that surrounded her, she continued to face blatant vitriol and discrimination due to her human heritage. Her only solace was in her half-brother, Tellius, who accepted her for who she was and even shielded her from the scorn directed at her.   Tellius's encouragement and Ekimra's efforts would eventually yield the results they sought as they were scouted and recruited by the prestigious magic academy, Legion, when Ekimra was only 12 years old. The two were relocated from their home in Gonereil, and would study at the Academy in the Southeast for nearly two decades in the hopes that they would become strong enough to participate in the next Trial, once the Blood Moon finally disappeared.  

Joining FLORA

By the time Ekimra was 30, she and her brother were finally deemed competent enough to go out on their own, and the two decided to join the prestigious adventurer's guild, FLORA. The two quickly climbed the ranks of the guild, obtaining a B rank within the guild in less than a year. They would eventually recruit several other members to join their party, which they had dubbed "Division 7", a name meant to display their confidence in their abilities to be chosen as Champions once the 7th Trial would finally begin. Though the party would gain significant notoriety, she and Tellius in particular found themselves to be the faces of the group, with their names and likenesses becoming known across the continent.   The party continued to climb the ranks, reaching the prestigious S Rank in less than a decade. During this time her exploits and skill as a healer had earned her the moniker "The Godhand", with people believing that she wielded holy powers granted directly from the Goddess Yuné herself. Not long after they achieved this illustrious rank, however, a monumental event occurred. After more than a century, the Blood Moon failed to rise, giving Ferox 1 year to put together a group of over 5000 champions.  

After the Trial

Despite the brutality of the Trial and the level at which details were obscured, it was common knowledge that Division 7 played the largest role in Ferox's victory, Tellius and Ekimra in particular. Much to Ekimra's delight, her half-brother was chosen as the next Sovereign of Ferox and appointed her as the head of the Imperial Guard, where she would act as his right hand.   For the next 3 years, she would stay by his side, helping him to restore the continent the way the two had always dreamed. Much to her dismay, however, after only 3 years into his rule, the Blood Moon would once again rise and signal the beginning of the selection process for the next Trial, as well as a fast-approaching end to her brother's rule.


Head of the Imperial Guard, Ekimra Renar
Lawful Good
Date of Birth
7th day of the 9th Moon
Parents (Adopting)
Light Blue
Long, Blonde
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
138 lbs
Other Affiliations


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