F.N.G - Feroxi National Guard

The Feroxi National Guard, or F.N.G for short, is a standing military/police force created to allow the Sovereign and The Feroxi Council to exercise their authority throughout Ferox.   On principle, the FNG operates at the behest of the Sovereign and the Feroxi Council. Receiving funds, recruits, and orders by their will. In practice, however, the FNG in most cities is its own independent entity. Though there is a theoretical power structure/chain of command, most of the FNG operate on a more local basis, with their ranks composed of local recruits, and funds mostly based on a city’s/town’s taxes.   While there are special forces and groups that could be considered to be an offshoot of the FNG that do follow these structures more accurately, such as the Reapers and Imperial Guard, most should consider these organizations as an exception rather than the rule.   More prominent cities will consistently see soldiers from foreign locations transferred in order to provide extra manpower and to entice recruits by offering them the opportunity to leave their hometowns. However, unbeknownst to most conscripts when they sign their contracts, most foreign deployments place them in more isolated bases and fortresses away from major metropolises that have been unable to fill their ranks through local populations alone.   While they are still expected to follow The Council’s orders, the reality is that the Council will usually put an individual in charge of a location and leave it to their discretion, reporting to the Council when necessary. It is not uncommon for more major cities to be directly overseen by a council member, however. Barring a particularly notable event/disaster, the FNG is usually limited to enforcing basic security, and as a result, is often forgotten by the council.   As a side note, you can usually tell the way people feel about the FNG by the way that they are referred to. Most people refer to the FNG as “Fang” or their members as “Fangs”. Most who refer to them as The FNG most likely were members or have a deeper respect for the organization.


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