Lachesis "Latch" Fendrick

Laches Fendrick - commonly known as Latch - is a Vulpes Dancer from parts unknown and is currently a member of Greycap. She is a powerful mage who utilizes her performances as mediums for her magecraft, whilst being fairly competent with dual-wielding bladed weapons, most notably two-bladed fans.   Latch is a multi-faceted individual, alternating between being an innocent, timid bundle of nerves and a lustful, attention-obsessed performer, though the former is present far more often than the latter. Regardless of her state of mind, Latch is very kind and perceptive of those around her.   Due to her upbringing amongst a troupe of performers, she has a strong love of music, plays, and theater. She has expressed a particular interest in romances, stating her desire to experience the love that is only described by those in a romantic relationship. She has experienced countless relationships with members of the same and opposite sex but has yet to experience anything approximating romantic love.   By all accounts, she seems to be aromantic. As a result of these conflicting feelings, she harbors a rather intense feeling of self-loathing whenever she feels as though she is forced to end a relationship.   She is extremely close with the other members of Greycap, but especially Lyra, who she views as a sister.   Stormaggedon first met Latch through Grace Sakkyoku, alongside the rest of Greycap. She would continue to interact with Stormageddon thereafter, most notably during the Tournament of Faerghus, where she and Reis Sangiolune started a brief romantic relationship, one which ended upon their departure from the city.
95 lbs


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