
The Hydra are a race of dragon type lethe with brilliant green hair, eyes, as well as similarly colored scales located randomly across their body. These scales are harder than any metal and serve as nearly impenetrable armor unable to be cut. Hydra are known for their immense might and combat prowess, capable of defeating even the most skilled of opponents through nothing but brute strength. Though they have an average lifespan of nearly 300 years, most do not achieve this length due to their inclination toward combat.   Despite the fact that Hydra reach physical maturity at the same rate as humans, but are not typically considered to reach adulthood until they are in their mid-30s. This is due to a culture where one is only considered to be an adult after obtaining what is sufficient combat experience or a valorous reputation.   Even during the Ascension era, Hydra organized themselves in various clans of hunters and raiders who would roam Ferox in search of worthy prey and opponents. While there are many individuals who no longer follow these practices, most Hydra continues to do so. There are hundreds of clans scattered throughout Ferox, and while there is an extremely diverse range of philosophies and activities that are practiced by each clan, most do conform to a certain generalized structure.


Clans are organized in a hierarchical system that is based completely upon combat potential. While heritage does play a small factor in an individual's reputation, strength is valued over all else. Anyone can rise to a prominent rank within the clan, or even lead it, simply by fighting against those in charge. There is no limit on the time and place that an individual can challenge another, the only requirement is a formal declaration by a challenger and a clan consensus that the one being challenged is at their full strength. So as not to weaken their clan's overall strength, these contests rarely result in death, though there are often exceptions.   Clans distinguish themselves based on a series of tattoos inscribed upon their members' arms. These tattoos are created using unique ink that contains certain arcane elements. From a distance, this ink looks like any other, but closer inspection will show that the ink has a certain... lifelike quality to it. The ink seems to move along the inscribed tattoos, like a small river. Hydra who lacks these tattoos are referred to as "clanless" by most Hydra.   Aside from identifying an individual's clan, the tattoos also serve as a record of one's success, valor, cowardice, and failure. After each significant battle, raid, or mission, a Hydra will have the results inscribed upon their arm, as an addition to the existing tattoo. It is expected for a Hydra to - whenever possible - have their tattoos openly displayed. If one does not openly display their markings, most Hydra will assume them to be clanless or weak, and will often treat them with disdain.   Much like wood elves, clans tend to be exclusionary towards outsiders and are often very homogenous. In order to become a member of the clan, one usually must be born or marry into it, though there are exceptions if an individual is strong enough. In the modern era, clans that act as raiders tend to be in the minority, as doing so will earn the ire of organizations such as FLORA or The F.N.G. Most clans tend to fall into one of two categories, hunters or mercenaries.


Clans of hunters are the less common of the two groups. They tend to be more isolationist than their mercenary counterparts. They are self-sufficient groups who roam Ferox in search of notable prey and tend to avoid major metropolitan areas.


When most people think of the Hydra, they think of clans of mercenaries. These clans sell the services of the clan - or individuals within - to those in need of a capable fighting force often serving as an almost private army for hire. Unlike their hunter counterparts, many do go off and roam Ferox separately from their clan. However, those who do are required to pay tribute to the original clan upon any successful ventures. Those who are found to not pay significant tribute to their clan will have their clan markings updated to reflect this negligence.   While this may seem insignificant, anyone with even basic knowledge of these markings will know that this is essentially a direct condemnation from their clan. Those who have such a marking will find it extremely difficult to acquire notable work, no matter how great his combat potential, though there are exceptions.


The Hydra tend to be viewed as very reliable by most other Lethe due to their extremely strong sense of honor and dignity. Hydra are often expected to treat those who are not their opponents with ample respect so as not to dishonor the clan as a whole. If a Hydra is found to be doing otherwise, then their clan will often take swift action to reprimand that individual. As a result, while they are feared on the battlefield, in social settings Hydra are often viewed as very straightforward, though sometimes intimidating.  

Character Creation

Ability Score Increase:
Your Strength increases by 1, and your Constitution score increases by 2   Age:
The Hydra reach physical maturity at the same rate as humans, but are not typically considered to reach adulthood until they are in their mid 30s. This is due to a culture where one is only considered to be an adult after obtaining what is sufficient combat experience or a valorous reputation. Though they have the capability to live for nearly 3 centuries, due to their culture, most will fall in battle before then.   Alignment:
Due to the battle tendencies of the Hydra, their alignment fluctuates based on their experiences and upbringing, though due to their overall culture and standing in society, they are usually chaotic in some nature. As a collective, it is common to assume that they are chaotic neutral, though this should never be treated as an absolute.   Size:
The Hydra are very solidly built people, typically standing over 7 feet tall and weighing in between 250 and 300 lbs. Your size is Medium.   Speed:
Your base walking speed is 30 feet   Poison Immunity:
You are resistant to poison damage, and you are immune to the poisoned condition.   Powerful Build:
You count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift.   Natural Armor:
When not wearing any armor, your AC equals 13 + your Dex modifier. You can use your natural armor to determine your AC if the armor you wear would leave you with a lower AC. A shield's benefits apply as normal while you use your natural armor.   Blood of Legends:
When you are reduced to 0 hit points but not killed outright, you can drop to 1 hit point instead. If you are killed outright, you are instead only knocked unconscious. You can't use this feature again until you finish a long rest. Rolls of 9 or higher are also considered a success on all Death saving throws, this ability is always active.   Darkvision:
Thanks to the blessing of dragon blood, you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.   Languages:
You can speak, read, and write Common and Draconic.


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