
The Aasimar are now one of the two most populace races in the Kingdom of Nodim alongside the Halfling. The Aasimar now work to build political power with the overall intention of becoming the ruling race in the kingdom. Many Aasimar now believe that it is their race who should rule the kingdom by divine right of their races background.   Some Aasimar have made it to the upper levels of society but most are stuck somewhere in the middle. Their lower class numbers are much the same as for Human, that is to say, very few Aasimar find themselves among the dregs.

Civilization and Culture

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Common Myths and Legends

It is said that the Aasimar are descended from relationships between mortals and the gods. Other races reffer to the Aasimar by the derogatory name "the bastard children of the gods". In contrast the Aasimar pride themselves on this being true. However, the validity of their heritage is questioned by scholars.
100 years
Average Height
medium or small
Geographic Distribution