
At the top of the societal ladder in the Kingdom of Nodim are the humans. They make up the majority of the nobility of the kingdom and own the vast majority of the wealth. Indeed, even The Royal Family of Nodim is, and has always been, a pure human bloodline since they birthed the kingdom countless centuries ago. The family name of the royal family, Proudmore, etched in the history of the land. The Royal Family of Nodim are the historical source of the humans dominance in this region, that and the fact they outnumbered any single other race. This has been amplified by the accumulation of wealth, which is then inherited by the next generation of humans, and the favouring of their own kind when it comes to transfer of wealth and power.   Humans are increasingly facing political hostilities by the other races who have had enough of the ruling elites favouring their own. The humans, who once were the majority of the population, now face the risk of losing power to one of the other races who now outnumber them within the population. The Aasimar and the Halflings.    Very few humans find themselves in the lower class of society. Such unfortunate souls find themselves at the absolute bottom, pushed down with pleasure by all the other races.

Civilization and Culture

Major Language Groups and Dialects

100 years
Average Height
Geographic Distribution