
The Firbolgs are one of only two races that are free to come and go from Feusag Dragain (the other being the Dragonborn). Although the only place they ever go is the Kingdom of Nodim. Quite why this is the only region they will visit or why the rest of the Fey are happy to let them travel is a mystery. The secret being kept by the races of the Fey alone.   The Firbolgs are exceptionally disciplined when it comes to the secrets of the Fey and Feusag Dragain and very little if anything is ever divulged about the lands of Feusag Dragain, what goes on there, or the people. They usually have a kind, caring, and very friendly nature, however, when questioned about the secrets of the Fey they have very little patience and this is often displayed in extreme acts of aggression. A fact that often ends them up in prison or worse.   The attitudes of the people of the Kingdom of Nodim towards Firbolgs are typically very favourable and the majority of the population know to avoid problematic questioning.   Firbolgs are quite solitary and often live on their own in forrests.

Civilization and Culture

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Sylvan is their main language.   Any that travel will also be able to speak local languages, such as, Celestial, Draconic.

Common Taboos

Divulging the secrets of Feusag Dragain is the most extreme cultural taboo in the Furbolg society. If any Furbolg was to violate this all Firbolgs within 100 miles will seek out the offender for them to be brought back to Feusag Dragain to face punishment.
Average Height
Geographic Distribution