
The Dragonborn are a nomadic species who have the respect of all other races in Ferrovax due to their dragon lineage. As such they are the only race that has spread throughout the world. Although, their numbers are small.   The Dragonborn have a vested interest in the politics of the regions of Ferrovax despite having little desire to involve themselves. They do not involve themselves as they do not find themselves in one place for very long. Their interest stems from the fact that the Dragonborn have become experts in trade, and in particular, cross region trade. Able to negotiate deals which would have items sold to the Dragonborn only for them to sell them to a direct rival. While the Dragonborn act as the negotiators and brokers of deals, they work with the Tortle ’s who act as the logistical side.   The slight irony of the Dragonborn is that they do not have much respect for the Dragons and many even have a strong dislike towards their more powerful cousins. However, it is their assumed association with such powerful creatures that gives them the privileged respect of all the other races. As such the Dragonborn play up to this assumption, a travelling Dragonborn might boast of having traded with a dragon they are good friends with while negotiating, despite never having gone near a living dragon in their life. It is fortunate for the Dragonborn that the Dragons care little for them, which might actually be the source of the Dragonborn's contempt for their cousins, so they can maintain their façade in front of the other races.   Besides the Dragons, the only other races that knows the Dragonborn's secret of not having close ties with the Dragons are the Kobold and the Tortle. The Tortle are happy to keep this secret as it is of benifit to them for the Dragonborn to be so highly regarded. The Dragonborn do try to avoid the Kobold's as much as they can or risk being exploited in unfavourable trades in order to maintain the secret. Fortunately for the Dragonborn, the Kobold’s begrudgingly look up to the Dragonborn so tend not to say much about them. But if the Dragonborn are brough up to a Kobold they will happily talk at length about how the kobolds are superior and the dragonborn do not even like dragons. Most people consider this jealousy and do not believe it.   As one of only two races that can freely travel to and from Feusag Dragain, the Dragonborn understand that The Fey do not take kindly to their ways and secrets being taken from the island. In the interests of maintaining good relations Dragonborn do their best to maintain the secrets of Feusag Dragain.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Often a Dragonborns demenor matches that of the associated coloured dragon.

Civilization and Culture

Beauty Ideals

Typically Dragonborn are most attracted to others of the same colour. Fortunately their long lifespan means this preferance is not an issue for finding a mate.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Primarily Draconic but they typically speak any of the other languages in order to facility trade.   Goblin, Abyssal, Feline, Celestial, Sylvan, Avian, Giant, Kothian, Primordial, Tir'su.
500 years
Average Height
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Dragonborn come in all the different colours of the regular and chromatic dragons.