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To the east of Dunmoor, the quaint village of Oakhurst stands as a testament to both the bounty of nature and the echoes of forgotten history. Renowned for its oak wood and cider production, the village thrives as a peaceful and idyllic settlement, its charm drawing travelers from near and far. However, beneath the tranquil surface lies a tale of ancient secrets and mystical relics. Ages ago, a temple dedicated to the dragon Ashardalon loomed ominously nearby, its cult of devoted followers spreading their shadow across the land. The Great War brought about a cataclysmic shift, banishing the temple to the depths of the earth, and leaving it to be lost in the annals of time. But now, as mysterious creatures emerge from the crevasse where the temple once stood, the village of Oakhurst finds itself on the cusp of rediscovering a history long buried and confronting the shadows that threaten its peace.


Oakhurst, a close-knit community, thrives as a small village with around 200 residents. The majority of its population consists of humans, fostering a sense of shared heritage and common experiences. Alongside the human majority, a small but significant minority of halflings and other races contribute to the village's diverse and vibrant character. Despite its modest size, Oakhurst embraces a rich tapestry of cultures, forging connections and bonds that transcend differences and unite its inhabitants in harmony.


As part of the vast and far-reaching Festian Empire, Oakhurst operates within the framework of imperial governance. While the Mayor wields local authority, the true laws and regulations governing the village stem from the Empire's statutes. The Mayor's office is responsible for tax collection, ensuring the village's contribution to the empire's coffers. Meanwhile, law and order are upheld by the vigilant town guards, who diligently enforce the imperial laws, maintaining peace and harmony throughout the community. Oakhurst's close ties to the empire guarantee stability and unity, while its Mayor serves as a bridge between the village and the larger political realm, ensuring that the interests of the residents are adequately represented at the imperial level.


The defense of Oakhurst is entrusted to a dedicated local watch, skillfully led by Felosial, a capable and resolute female half-elf. This vigilant force comprises sixteen guards and four scouts, all of whom are proud residents of the village. Together, they stand as the first line of defense, safeguarding Oakhurst and its inhabitants from any potential threats. With a keen eye for danger and a commitment to the safety of their home, Felosial and her watch ensure that the village remains well-protected in times of peace and ever-ready to face any challenges that may arise.

Industry & Trade

Oakhurst thrives as a quaint farming settlement. The fertile lands surrounding the village yield a bountiful harvest, supplying its 200 residents with an abundance of fresh produce. The local farms are particularly renowned for their oak wood and cider production, a prized commodity that draws traders and travelers from afar. While most of the surplus produce is sent to Dunmoor for trading in the bustling markets, Oakhurst itself enjoys the rich flavors and sustenance provided by its agricultural prowess. As occasional visitors pass through, the village welcomes them with warm hospitality, offering a glimpse into the Empire's vibrant offerings, encouraging them to explore beyond the village's borders and discover the wonders that await throughout Festia.


The village of Oakhurst is crisscrossed by narrow dirt roads, meandering between its quaint buildings and homes. These rustic pathways form an intricate network that binds the community together, facilitating easy access and smooth movement throughout the village. At its outskirts, Oakhurst connects to a broader road leading to neighboring settlements, allowing trade and interaction with the outside world.


The history of Oakhurst is one deeply entwined with the ebb and flow of time, bearing witness to moments of tranquility and turmoil that have shaped its fate over the centuries. Founded centuries ago by settlers drawn to the rich soil and lush forests of the region, the village began as a humble farming settlement. Oakhurst's early inhabitants worked tirelessly, taming the land and establishing farms that provided sustenance for their growing community. However, a shadow soon fell upon Oakhurst when a cult dedicated to the ancient dragon Ashardalon constructed a temple nearby, seeking to harness its dark powers. The cult's malevolent presence cast a pall over the village, and tales of strange occurrences and unsettling omens spread like wildfire through the community.   With the arrival of the Great War, chaos and devastation gripped the land, and the temple's wicked influence grew stronger. In a desperate bid to quell the dark energies that emanated from the unholy structure, a group of brave mages from the Arcane Order descended upon the temple, using powerful magic to banish it deep underground. The temple's existence was all but forgotten in the wake of the war, fading into the annals of history.   In the aftermath of the conflict, Oakhurst strove to rebuild and recover, reclaiming its tranquil existence as a farming settlement. Life returned to a semblance of normalcy, and the village continued to flourish under the watchful gaze of the Festian Empire.   However, the past has a way of resurfacing, and recent times have seen an unsettling increase in goblin and twig blight sightings near the site where the temple once stood. The villagers, haunted by the echoes of their dark history, now find themselves grappling with uncertainty and fear once more.   The village's tranquility was shattered when Kerowyn Hucrele's children disappeared into the crevasse searching for the Sunless Citadel. Filled with grief and desperation, Kerowyn sent out a call for brave adventurers to aid her in rescuing her children and putting an end to the malevolent forces that plagued Oakhurst. Answering her plea, a group of intrepid heroes ventured into the depths of the Sunless Citadel and faced the evil druid Belak the Outcast, who resided within the temple, orchestrating the goblin and twig blight attacks.   In a fierce battle, the adventurers managed to defeat Belak and put an end to the menace that had haunted Oakhurst for so long. While Kerowyn's children did not survive their ordeal, the village found a measure of peace and closure. The Sunless Citadel was no longer a threat, and the brave deeds of the adventurers were celebrated throughout the community.   Now, Oakhurst stands at a crossroads of history, forever shaped by the events that have unfolded and the courage of those who risked their lives to protect it. As the village moves forward, it does so with a newfound appreciation for its past and a hope for a future where darkness may never again cast its shadow upon the once-idyllic settlement.

Points of interest

Nestled in close proximity to the enigmatic Sunless Citadel, Oakhurst boasts the distinction of being the nearest settlement to this mysterious landmark. The village's proximity invites curious adventurers and travelers seeking to unravel the secrets hidden within the depths of the Citadel. However, the village's proximity also brings with it the occasional visit from the goblin inhabitants of the Citadel, sparking rumors and tales of peculiar gifts that the goblins may bring to Oakhurst. The villagers, filled with a mix of anticipation and trepidation, await each encounter with a sense of wonder, unsure of the true nature of these enigmatic offerings. The Sunless Citadel's presence casts an intriguing allure upon Oakhurst, leaving its mark on the village's folklore and weaving an intricate tapestry of stories, both thrilling and mysterious, for all who call this place home.
Founding Date
12 Deepspring 856 P.W.
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