
Aeri'i'sla are a species of Feywild reptilian creatures. They are shaped like an oversized lizard with a rounded snout. While Aeri'i'sla have 2 retractable appendage that they can use to move and climb, they typically draw them within their body cavity and wriggle across the ground. This form of movement is what gives them their colloquial nickname, the Slither.

Basic Information

Anatomy & Morphology

Aeri'i'sla have three eyes on their lizard shaped head - one on each side and a third on top of a tail-like appendage. The top eye, called the tri-ocular, or Witch's Eye, moves independently of the other two.
Each Aeri'i'sla has two retractable appendages at the front of their body. They use these to occassionally climb or move over the varied terrain of the woodland floor they call home. These appendages are also used to dig a small sub-terranian burrow for their nest.
Aeri'i'sla come in a variety of colors, though most are in the browns to orange family. When seeking a mate, these colors tend to become brighter and more vivid, and retreat into more muted tones after finding a viable mate.  

Perceptions and Sensory Capabilities

Aeri'i'sla have accute senses of smell. The slithering motion they use to move allows them to feel vibrations through the ground, often giving them advance warning to hide before the arrival of a potential threat. Their tri-ocular on their back appendage allows them to watch for predators from above.  

Growth Rate & Stages

Once an Aeri'i'sla emerges from its egg, it typically stays in the nest for 3-6 months. After that time, they go through a period of adolescence where they learn to hunt and fend for themselves. About a year from birth, they are expected to leave the nest and establish their own lives.
Mature Aeri'i'sla often nest within about 5 miles of where they were born. They are not typically territorial, unless defending a nest, so this is usually far enough away to ensure genetic diversity.
By the time they are 3-5 years old, almost all Aeri'i'sla will have mated with a partner. As a species, they mate for life. The gestation period for a female Aeri'i'sla is 23 days. Once the eggs are laid, it will be another 37-48 days before they hatch.  

Ecology and Habitat

Aeri'i'sla live in woodlands or forested locations. They often make their nests in felled trees or tucked into the high side of a riverbank.  

Dietary Needs & Habits

Aeri'i'sla are herbivores. While the can consume a variety of plants, they prefer mushrooms and other fungi. They have a natural immunity to poison, allowing them to consume any mushrooms in their environs without concern for reprecusions.  

Behavior & Psychology

Aeri'i'sla tend to live independently until they reach maturity. When they mate, they do so for life, and if one mate dies, the other typically follows within the month.
When a mating pair lay eggs, they typical share responsibility of caring for and protecting the nest. Male and female Aeri'i'sla can become very violent if there is a perceived threat to the nest.
These creatures can be domesticated, but do not survive long when kept indoors.



Slither CR: 1/4 (50 XP)

Small beast, unaligned
Armor Class: 12
Hit Points: 11 (2d8 + 2) 2d8+2
Speed: 30 ft , swim: 30 ft , climb: 0 ft


10 +0


18 +4


13 +1


2 -4


10 +0


3 -4

Skills: Proficiency Bonus +2.
Condition Immunities: Poison
Senses: Tremorsense 30 ft., Passive Perception 12. Advantage on Perception checks.
Languages: --
Challenge Rating: 1/4 (50 XP)
by AI art generated by Tara O'Neill via


Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 3 (1d4) 1d4 piercing damage.

Usual Tactics

Typically Aeri'i'sla will avoid conflict, but if anyone comes within 30 feet of a full nest, they will attack. They live in mated pairs, so there is often a second one around.

Officially named, Aeri'i'sla, the Slither are a species of Feywild reptilian creatures. They are shaped like an oversized slug with a long, lizard-like snout. While Aeri'i'sla have 2 retractable appendage that they can use to move and climb, they typically draw them within their body cavity and wriggle across the ground. This form of movement is what gives them their colloquial nickname, the Slither.   See Aeri'i'sla for more.

Suggested Environments

Forest floors and riverbanks in the Feywild.

by AI art generated by Tara O'Neill via

Cover image: by Tara O'Neill


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