Fe'Moresh (Faye'More-Esh)

Fe'Moresh is a fey being who teleports throughout the Feywild. She sows chaos in her wake, neither helping nor hurting.
She is humanoid in shape, but her features are a strange blend of human and feline. She has pointed white lynx ears with black tufts. Her skin is incredibly pale white and is covered in swirling black markings.
If at any point characters attempt to attack her, she teleports away to a random location on this Plane of Existence.


Fe'Moresh has many feline elements to her personality. She tends to tip her head when feeling inquisitive. Her nose often twitches when she is seeking additional information.
The first time Fe'Moresh meets players, she will ask them a lot of questions about their purpose and mission. She has a passive insight of 14. If Fe'Moresh is convinced that characters will further her mission of chaos, she might offer them assistance in return for an enchanted item - the weirder the better. If she believes they are too lawful, she will give some or all of them Fey Tricks and Curses.
Fe'Moresh also likes pasta. It is new. It is strange. Fe'Moresh does not understand it. But Fe'Moresh likes it. Fe'Moresh wants it.
— Fe'Moresh, on her love of pasta.

Subsequent interactions with Fe'Moresh often involve her heckling and harrassing players. She will remember what they said their mission was, and will mock them about their progress. Players that react in any way will find themselves on the receiving end of Fey Tricks and Curses. These can and will stack.

As an Ally

Players that manage to convince Fe'Moresh to go along with them will find that she is easily bribed with large quantities of food. She eats more than three times what a normal humanoid consumes in a single day.
Fe'Moresh has very limited knowledge of humaniods, especially those who are not from this plane. She often has trouble articulating complex ideas in Common, but is very eloquent in her native Sylvan.
If she finds herself in a combat situation, Fe'Moresh can cast misty step at will. Her combat action is exclusively to cast fey curses, using the Fey Tricks and Curses table.




Towards Fe'Moresh





Towards Jarishna



Relationship Reasoning

The Vo have not trusted Fe'Moresh for several generations now. Fe'Moresh has shown the singular inability to be honest, a trait much valued by the Vo. Fe'Moresh comes and goes as they please, without any regard for consequences. She was exiled from the Vo encampment after Fe'Moresh gorged herself on a large portion of mammoth meat that was intended for the community. Fe'Moresh showed no remorse.
Rather than angering a powerful fey being, The Vo instead exiled Fe'Moresh and have not welcomed her into the community since.

Roleplaying Tips

Fe'Moresh has a whispery voice with a touch of a British accent. She thrives on chaos, and seeks every opportunity to sow discontent and throw characters off balance. She always refers to herself in 3rd person.
White and black fur.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
White skin with black swirling marks

Cover image: by Tara O'Neill
Character Portrait image: by AI art generated via Neural.love


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