
The appointed liaison between their Illithid colony and the shadow court of Noxtras.
Like any Illithid, they do not have a spoken name, only the telepathic one used within the psychic communication of the hive mind. Izznozz is the name they use when dealing with humanoids that still use less advanced methods of communication.
Izznozz chooses to wear a horned helm and dark armor. When casting spells, he emits a purplish glow that seems to mirror the flames behind the eyes of Noxtras.

Working with Noxtras

It might seem odd that an Illithid colony is choosing to work with sentient creatures rather than attempting domination. In this specific case, they have come to an agreement. When Noxtras and his minions procure more slaves, they are passed off to the colony. The Illithid raise the children, turning them into warriors, culling the weak in the proccess. This way, the colony is provided a constant supply of food.
In order to make conducting these business dealings more effective, the Elder Brain of the colony appointed Izznozz as the liason.
Noxtras has promised that the Illithid colony can have free reign over the denizens of the Unseelie Court after the invasion, enslaving and killing as they see fit. His one demand is that the Queen of Air and Darkness is to be his quary, and his alone. Izznozz agreed, knowing that once his hive descends on the area, it would no longer be for him to decide.
Izznozz's main concern is to negotiate the movement of the Elder Brain of the colony closer to the Unseelie Court stronghold, in order to ensure the colony will be at its full strength.

Cover image: by Tara O'Neill
Character Portrait image: by AI art generated via Neural.love


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