
Noxtras Siotta

Noxtras is the bastard child of the now fallen fey princess Nintra Siotta. As he reached adulthood, he took up his mother's failed mission to usurp the Queen of Air and Darkness on as his own.  

Early History

Noxtras was born during his mother's exile to the Prime Material Plane. Little is known about the circumstances of his birth, and nothing is known about his father. The unwavering flames that dance on the tip of his ears have made some speculate that there was some genasi or elemental blood involved, but that was never confirmed.

The first time anyone in the Feywild became aware of the existance of Noxtras, there was a small bundle with a squalling baby found on the steps to the Witch Queen Baba Yaga's cottage in the Gloaming Wilds. A scroll with small, spidery writing was tucked into the wrappings.

Baba Yaga,
This is my son, my pride and joy, my hope for the future. I want him to be called Noxtras. I fear that if the Court becomes aware of him, they will snuff him out before his flame has a chance to grow. Raise him, teach him to stand on his own. Make him strong. Make him powerful. Teach him where he comes from. Do this and I will consider your debt paid. You remember the one.
- N.S.
It is not clear if the Gloaming Court was unaware of his birth or if they chose to ignore it. Either way, he grew up at the elbow of Baba Yaga.

As Noxtras grew older, it became clear that he had inherited some of his mother's skill with manipulating shadows. Baba Yaga was true to the request of his mother, and she taught him to be strong. She taught him the history of the Gloaming Court and his mother's exile.

Following the Path Before Him

Noxtras believes that he is destined to bring down the Queen of Air and Darkness and take control of the Gloaming Court himself. While Baba Yaga has tried to assure Noxtras that this is not what his mother's note meant (though she doesn't necessarily believe that), Noxtras is committed to this path.

He has spent much of his adult life training and gathering followers to himself. While not as powerful as his mother once was, Noxtras is very charasmatic. He surrounds himself with dark schemes and loyal attendants.

He has built his army over time by collecting the children of mortals through dark fey pacts. By threatening the lives of the parents, he convinces them to give up their children.

I'm not so cliche as to demand their first-born. I'll take from any place in the order, really. I'm more interested in the ones born under auspicious signs. Ones that will have a talent for magic. Those are the ones that will serve me well. They can be trained as my weapons of destruction.
- Noxtras to his attendants about the desired types of recruits

Noxtras is too important and powerful to serve as a wet nurse to all these babies he keeps collecting, so he passes them off to his most loyal attendant, an Illithid he calls Izznozz, to be trained as the soldiers Noxtras so deeply desires.

Once the children reach maturity, they join the ranks of his army. His loyal shadow soldiers are his approximation of the shadow glass constructs his mother used to summon.

The Shadow Court

These days you can find Noxtras somewhere in the Gloaming Wilds, building his army and gathering supporters. He has been doing so quietly so far, without gaining the attention of too many in the Feywild. But he is poised to step out of the darkness soon, in a fantastically violent manner.

Physical Description

Facial Features

Slight flames drift off the tips of his obviously elven ears. The smoke that arises from these swirls around him, adding to his general air of darkness.

He does have heavy gold earrings dangling from both ears. They are shaped like braizers.

He has a glowing green crystal in the center of his forehead. It is not known if it is magically held there or embedded in the skin of his skull. Either way, it glows brighter when he wreaks terrible destruction.

Personality Characteristics


Noxtras is convinced that his mother was maligned by the Unseelie Court and that it is his responsibility to continue her work. His goal is to dethrone the Queen of Air and Darkness and take control of the Gloaming Court himself.
Chaotic Evil
Current Status
Gathering support in his endeavor to usurp the Queen of Air and Darkness
Current Location
Circumstances of Birth
Born somewhere on the Prime Material Plane after his mother's exile but before her interdimensional imprisonment.
Male, leaning androgynous
purple fire
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
dark grey
8 feet
Known Languages
Common, Sylvan, Undercommon, Goblin

Character Portrait image: by AI art generated by Tara O'Neill via
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