Nintra Siotta

Princess (a.k.a. Princess of Shadow Glass)

For the sake of this story, Nintra has already met her end through The Scrivener's Tale quest in the Candlekeep Mysteries.

A Young Antagonist

Nintra was a poerful member of the Gloaming Court under the reign of the Queen of Air and Darkness. Over time, Nintra surrounded herself with loyal followers and began to believe that she was the rightful ruler. She made moves to take the throne for herself.


Eventually the Queen of Air and Darkness has enough of Nintra's machinations and exiles her from the Gloaming Court on the charge of treason.

While exiled to the Prime Material Plane, Nintra sired a bastard child she named Noxtras. The father is unknown. She sent the newborn baby to the witch queen Baba Yaga to be raised in secrecy and relative safety away from the Gloaming Court.


Nintra became trapped in an extradimensional prison through the use of the book The Scrivener's Tale by the archmage Zyrian.


A group of adventurers find the book, which had found it's way into the hands of the Candlekeep Library. They are, through a series of chaotic event, able to kill Nintra and destroy the book.
Nintra is from the Candlekeep Mysteries, The Scrivener's Tale. For more information check out the Forgotten Realms Wiki
Chaotic Evil
Current Status
Circumstances of Death
Nintras was bound in a book called The Scrivener's Tale. Upon destruction of the book, she is defeated and turned to ash.
green fire
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Her skin appears to be made of smoky gray glass.
9 ft


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