Sea Devil's Raid

You skitter along the bank of the lake. You must hurry home. You clutch the collection of mushrooms you've been gathering close to your chest. Your sister will be worried. You should have been home hours ago. It's just been the two of you for some time now. One day you came home and no one else was there. The only sign that your parents had ever been there was the twin streaks of blood leading towards the lake.

The two of you have muddled along since then. It's been hard, of course, but your sister has been a pillar of strength. It's her birthday tomorrow. That's why you were so determined to find the black capped mushrooms she likes so much. But it will be worth it, to see a smile on her face, if even for just a few moments.

You are lost in your thoughts as you travel along until the silence of the lake is shattered by a long, mournful call. Every child in the region knows that sound - it's the eerie call of a Sea Devil Hunting party's shell horn. Your chest clenches and your stomach drops. It's hard to know how close it is. The lake echoes oddly, distorting sounds sometimes. You pick up your pace, glancing side to side, keeping an eye out for...well, anything.

The lantern that marks the door to your simple hut glows golden through the mist, a beacon calling you home. It's warm light gives you hope for a safe haven. Your breath is shallow; your feet make wet plops on the sandy path as you run along. You are so close.

Something steps into the light of the lantern. Something that brings your running feet to a halt. The mushrooms in your arms tumble to the ground, no longer worthy of your attention. You have never seen a creature like this. You had hoped never to see one - few lay eyes on a Sea Devil and live. And yet now... now there is one standing right outside your home. The door is open, partially ripped off its hinges. Your sister- You look around. Your sister is nowhere in sight. Did they get her? Did she get away? There's no way for you to know.

There is no such thing as bravely facing down a Sahuagin. You've been taught that since you were a boy. They are bloodthirsty and stronger than any humanoid on land. Normally the Sea Devils are content to stay in their ocean home, but legend says sometimes they come up the lake to feast. You never believed the stories. It sounded like something the old men made up to scare the little ones. But you believed them now. The scaley creature at your door, water droplets dripping off its elbows, was very much real.

Too late, it occurs to you that the legends also say that the Sea Devils never hunt alone. You were so focused on the threat before you that you didn't hear the one creeping up behind you. You try to call out as a large, scaly hand clamps over your mouth. The grip is incredibly strong - you hear your hunting bow snap as the creature clasps you closer to them. You struggle, but gain nothing.

A gutteral, garbled sound comes out of its mouth. The creature by the door looks up, and answers in similar fashion. It comes closer and strokes a wet, spined hand down the side of your face. You tremble in spite of yourself.

Another gurgling exchange and the creatures turn as one, and half carry you, half drag you, closer to the water's edge. Your thoughts are of your sister, your parents, the dog you had when you were young. Happy memories. You can feel the end coming. You do not want to go crying and mewling like a little child.

But you are a child. And when you see the broken body of your sister, half in, half out of the lake edge, something inside you breaks. You scream, kick, claw - anything to get you away from these creatures. The ferocity of your attack takes them by surprise, and their grasp loosens, just for a moment.

Cover image: by Tara O'Neill


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