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Black Moon Market

Important Characters Include


Voxe Nono

Yuan-ti Artificer (alchemist)

Produces faulty potins that she is unable to sell anywhere other than the black market. She works with the help of her pet snake (adoptive son, as she calls him) named Unih. The snake is almost always around her neck, though he will occasionally traverse the black market in order to find potential buyers/scare away potential thieves. Voxe earnestly believes that he is her child and will argue with anyone who tries to tell her otherwise, including her fellow salespeople. Common is her second language, and she will struggle continuously to figure out what she's saying/what others are saying. Draconic is her first language. If anyone is able to speak it, she will be able to communicate with them much more easily. Otherwise, large words in common may confuse her.

Potions you can purchase from Voxe include:

"Health" potions (They will increase your hp by 1d6, but will also cause your skin to turn a sickly shade of pink and make you feel nauseous)

Potions of "flying" (will cause you to hover 1d12 inches from the ground for 1 min with a slight chance of launching you into the air before sending you back down to earth, causing 1d6 damage)

Potion of "Invisibility" (will cause you to become slightly transparent for 1d6 minutes)

Potion of "Resistance" (will cause you to take half-damage for 1d4 turns, but also makes nat 19s critical hits)

Potion of "Growth" (will cause the user to grow one additional size category for 1d4 minutes at the risk of losing 5 ft walking speed)

Potion of "Speed" (give you 5 ft additional walking, swimming, flying, or climbing speed for 1d6 mins, but will also cause you to be incomprehensible for the duration of the potion)

"Holy Water" (explosive when thrown, causes 2d12 fire damage in a 25 ft radius around the hit point, causes the same amount of damage directly to the user if injested)

Voxe may provide information about herself if asked. She is 63 y/o and has been an artificer her entire life. She has successfully mastered all other forms of enchantments but cannot understand why her potions never work. Players may investigate her potions to determin the issue or may watch her process while making potions. She is unaware that her hair is falling out when she makes her potions, which causes them to have strange side effects. If she wears a hair net or finds another solution to keep her hair out of the potions, then they should be fine.

Voxe does not possess much information about the actual quest at hand, though she may be able to suggest potential people who may have more information than her, such as ____________ (a fellow salesperson withn the black market).

Nalfein Myate

Drow Rogue (assassin, level 9)

Nalfein sells peculiar items that can be utilized for strong enchantments, spells, and potions. He collects th organs from those he assassinates and sells them for exceptionally high prices on the black market. He will sell you his wares, though if you are rude to him or insult his products, he may attempt o use you for his next product restock.

Human Hearts (250 gp/heart, can be used to make extremely strong health potions or be utilized in healing spells for extra effect)

Draconic Blood (350 gp/vial, can be found in many colors and forms from dragons and dragonborne alike. The exact usage will depend on the creature it came from)

Siren Scales (100 gp/bag of scales, can be used to create necklaces of water breathing when strung together by an artificer who specializes in enchanted weapons/gear)

Fairy Wings (240 gp/set of wings, can be turned into a set of earrings to create "Earrings of Flight", which give the wearer a flying speed of 15 ft for as long as they are being worn)

Blink Dog Eyes (300 gp/pair of eyes, can be used to to cast teleportation spells or be turned into potent potions of clairvoyance)

Harengon Feet (can be used to create potions of leaping or be used as components for speed spells)

Elf Ears (can be used in spells or potions to increase the player's hearing for a total of 1d6 minutes, or can be used to help the spellcaster determine when they are being lied to)

Hag Fingers (can be used in potions or spells to give the user the ability to grow plants of any kind, as well as to help them determine what various plants/animals are in the wild)

This man is wily and charismatic. He will say just about anything to convince someone to purchase his wares. He often tends to hide his actual "produce" behind a glammor until he feels the "buyer" is serious about purchasing his products. He instead displays various rare fruits and vegetables, though if a player attempts to grab one, he will quickly stop them. Successfully grabbing the "produce" will cause the glammor to disappear and reveal his actual stand.

Nalfein can be intimidated or convinced to give up information regarding issues related to the plot. However, if he feels that he can handle himself against the party/player, he will begin combat in the middle of the market. Upon reaching one quarter of his health, he will attempt to flee.

Pandora Moonflower

Fairy Rogue (College of Whispers)

Pandora offers dazzling prizes for the correct prices. He will do anything to get the player to give up their name or other personal information that he can use to his benefit. He may also offer food or beverages to the players in order to steal favors for himself for the future. His favors will always be nefarious and cause serious issues for the player. He may also offer grand boons in exchange for these favors as well. Pandora can pop up at any time to invoke his "favor" and will select something that will be detrimental to the player at that point in time. It will never directly involve murder or anything serious like that, though it will cause severe damage and could result in death or dismemberment of NPCs or PCs.

The man is aged and wise beyond his years. He speaks with a raspy, wheezing voice, but is confident in everything he says. He will never lie outright, though he will still attempt to decieve the party when given the opportunity to do so. He thrives on gullible party members and may continue to stalk the party if he believes they are easy targets for his scheme.

Some of the boons he may offer include, but are not limited to:

Luck for as many years as he feels appropriate for the price offered

Magical enchantments or items for the price offered

Near invulnerability for the time period until "payment" is collected

Forbidden/unknown knowledge of abilities (he may require additional payment depending on the quality of the knowledge/abilities requested)

Information may include: knowledge about old/forgotten deities, information about the BBEG, information about the quest, information about the disappearance of knowledge, information about how to stop the disappearance of knowledge (never direct), fortunes/information about the future, information about the world, etc.

Bringing a loved one back to life (this will result in the most severe "payment" required, resulting in not one, but 3 separate favors)

If a name or favor is given to him freely BEFORE he offers anything, he will smile wickedly and accept immediately. He will vanish immediately upon making a deal. If he is refused by all members of the party, he will begin to mope, wandering aimlessly around the market. If the party members accept any food from him, he will automatically require a favor in return for his "generosity", as is custom in olden fae culture.

He will allow any paticular player 1 boon and 1 boon only, though he will attempt to gain as many favors from the players as he can without giving something in return. However, if he feels that his intentions have been/are being discovered, he will flee at the earliest possible opportunity. He will never go out of his way to start combat, and if combat is initiated by the party, he will continue to try to flee. However, he can and will fight if necessary to do so. He will primarily attempt to stun/distract/discombobulate the party until he has a chance to get away.

If a party member makes the mistake of/CHOOSES to give up their name to Pandora, they will automatically forget their identity, as will the rest of their party. They will forget their name completely and will be unable to remember unless they are able to get their name back from Pandora. However, he is unlikely to give the name back without something major in return, including at least one favor as well as a return of whatever boon/benefit he gave the player (if one was offered). He will attempt to get as many favors as possible in return for the name, however.

Aside from the three main vendors, there are several additional vendors within the black market that the dm can determine. They may sell poisons, weapons, or offer their "services" to buyers, such as assassination. There are a total of 8 additional vendors, totalling at 11 vendors within the space.

The black market can be found throughout the feywild, as it appears at random locations at certain times. Its location will begin on the east coast at new moon, arrive at the autumn fairy court by the full moon, and make its way to the west coast as the moon wanes. It will only ever appear at 3 am; a glammor will hover around the market in order to hide it from prying eyes. However, those who are made aware of the market ahead of time, as well as those who can detect magic, will be able to discover it. The market remains in place for exactly 3 hours before disappearing, along with all of the vendors within the market. The players will be left in the abandoned city at nighttime.

While the additional 8 vendors may vary, the same three important vendors will always remain within the market. However, if the party is to upset/dissuade any of these three, they will depart, leaving an empty spot where they had once been.

The party may run into other "shoppers" within the market. These are always rather sketchy individuals who outright ignore the party. They will only interact with players if they are approached first. However, they will do whatever they can to remove themselves from the discussion, as they want to perform their "errands" and return to their homes as soon as possible, which they will make a point to tell the adventuring party. A majority of the "shoppers" within the market are drow and other forms of fae, though hags may also be spotted depending on the location and time. All else about the market-goers is up to the discretion of the dm.

Plot points/Scenes

Entrance to the Market (disguised with glamor, can only be detected through magical means or prior knowledge of the black market)

Random booths on the immediate right and left upon entry

Random on the left, Voxe Nono on the right

Random on the right, Nalfein on the left

Random on both sides

Pandora will appear at the end of he row without an actual booth. He will only appear if he is approached, as he is covered by an additional strong glamor.



The players may be able to learn about the black market through other npcs within the world, particularly among thieves and rogues. It will be spoken about as rumors and heresay among the most wretched of society. Almost every town will have people who have heard of the black market in the autumn continent.

Rumors tell of a peculiar traveling market that can appear all over the nation. However, it's also rumored that it will only appear at specific times in specific cities. Some may specify that they have heard it appears during full moons in Autumnvalley, though most don't have more information than that unless they frequent the market.

Those who have heard of the market may attempt to dissuade adventurers from going there, particularly if they are good-natured individuals. However, those with nefarious intentions may encourage the group to venture there.

Night owls among groups may accidentally stumble across the market by mistake. However, it will take an act of great fortune (or misfortune) in order for them to wander in. The later the party members stay awake each night, the more likely they are to encounter someone who has witnessed or heard of the market.

There is also a possibility that the party members may discover the market through literature about the Feywild. In certain books, accounts of the mysterious black market will appear, particularly in dark history books that relate to Autumnvalley. However, much information will be left out.

Finally, players may be able t watch a "shopper" enter the market at the correct time if they are diligent enough. However, many individuals know to be stealthy when entering, so it would take good detection to pick that up.


The party may wish to enter the market due to the promise of knowledge that awaits them. There is much to learn about the feywild in relation to the main quest, as well as for their individual desires. They may also wish to purchase items that are spoken of within the market, as some of the vendors there are heavily rumored about, such as Pandora.

They may follow a "shopper" into the market.

Rising Action

Rising action will occur as the party members interact with each of the vendors. This may involve purchasing items or simply conversing with each individual, particulalry the named individuals listed before (Voxe, Nalfein, Pandora).


The climax will occur upon interacting specifically with Pandora, especially if they decide to make a deal with him. If they request anything relating to knowledge about anything, though the main quest in particular is important, this would be considered the climax of the event.

Falling Action

Falling action will occur after the three hour mark when the market vanishes. However, it would also occur should the party members decide to leave the market early.



The main goal of this event is to gain knowledge about the main quest of the storyline. However, parties may have individual goals that they want to achieve by gaining personal information regarding their backstories. There is a great deal of information to be gained, not only relating to the quest as a whole (examples include, but are not limited to: finding a cure for a serious illness, learning forbidden or ancient spells, learning about ancient history, etc).


A few pieces of information that the party may get include, but are not limited to:

"Sometimes, even angels fall when making poor decisions."

"Many believe that knowledge is power- however, some believe it is a curse."

"The great equalizer is coming to bring all back together- equal, collective knowledge will be achieved very soon."

"Knowledge has provided great benefits to our society. However, not everyone has seen its benefits..."

"Even the greatest of deities lose track of their flocks. No matter how close someone is, they can still betray you..."

"Are you aware of how many different creatures thrive off of the knowledge and brainpower of those around them? It's really quite shocking..."


Party members may lose out on very useful information if they aren't to ask the right questions to the right people.

Party members could accidentally lose important parts of themselves, both in the physical and metaphorical sense. For example, Nalfein may decide that you are the perfect organ donor for his next product restock, or Pandora may make out with our name. You could even lose your very soul if you aren't careful. It's important to keep on your toes when interacting with anyone in the market, even the random vendors.

Combat could begn if players are rude towards any of the vendors within the market.

Moral Quandaries

Is it worth it to trade useful information for potentially harmful future "favors"?

How much are you willing to trade away for more powerful abilities?

Is taking the organs of a conscious entity worth the benefits they provide?

Cruel Tricks

Most cruel tricks will come through Pandora. He will do anything he can, from clever word tricks to riddles to inoquous questions, to get personal information from players.

Nalfein may attempt to convince players that the organs he procures isn't from sentient creatures. He'll start with the blink dog eyes, then just state the organ or product itself rather than saying what it's from. The harengon feet are the only super obvious "product" that may give away his intentions.



Alvora Ebonest

Grace Autumn


Raeli Asterisk

Mythtari Zethos

Selene Rune

Hise Nirakes

Alanis Valdi

Eilyana Anvyr


Voxe Nono






The scent of the market more of less aligns with the location that it appears in. However, no matter where it shows up, there will always be a scent of blood and death when it is entered. It will always be relatively quiet; many of the vendors and shoppers talk in hushed whispers with one another. The loudest of individuals within the market is Voxe, as she tends to be unaware of how loud she is. She also doesn't fully grasp the danger of the market.


Since this is the black maket, there is a threat of being stolen from by any of the shoppers in the market. Even a few of the vendors may try to rob you, either by gouging you with their prices or outright trying to take your money.

Obviously, any of the vendors or shoppers may attack you if they feel threatened or believe you have stolen from them.

You could lose any sort of phsyical of metaphorical object or concept when dealing with the vendors, particularly Pandora.


Engagement with any of the vendors in the market

Engagement with any of the shoppers within the marketplace

Combat with any of the vendors in the market

Combat with any of the shoppers within the marketplace

Travel/Exploration of the marketplace

Investigation of the marketplace/vendors

Negotiation with any of the vendors for their gods

Plot type
Side Plot
Related Organizations


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