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Meadowbrook, more commonly known as Mimichaven, is a town completely overrun with mimics. There are 8 total shopping buildings within the small town, along with various "homes" for the "people" who live within it. Most of the buildings appear overgrown and a bit run down, as the "people" living in them don't do much upkeep.


Most of the residents of Meadowbrook appear to be elves, half elves, and the occasional halfling.


The town of Meadowbrook has no official government and does not follow any outside laws, as the mimics within the town have no real concept of good or evil. They only know enough to survive. If asked to speak with whoever runs the town, the mimics will simply look confused before going on with their days as though they didn't hear the party at all.


The town of Meadowbrook has no use for defences, as no people really want to venture to the small town. There is little there of any use. Any adventures who have traveled there in the past are put off by the strange behavior of the townsfolk.

Industry & Trade

While it cannot be considered a bustling economy, the mimics within the town do trade rations among each other and travelers for goods and services. Most mimics will offer personal belongings for anything seen as food. Some outsiders may still mention Meadowbrook in passing, referring to it as a once-great place to get magical items and potions.


The town has a shopping district as well as a residential district, though both are in some state of disrepair.


The town of Meadowbrook was once a beautiful village filled with scholars and creators alike. Most that traveled there were merely passing through, though there were some who called the town home. The townsfolk spent their days researching in the library and making the most of the surrounding forest through the creation of potions, food, and magical goods. In a tragic turn of events, a wandering adventurer unknowingly transported several mimics into the town, leaving them behind when they left. The mimics began to breed, eventually overrunning the town and causing the few townsfolk left to flee.

Most mimics choose not to remain close to each other, as doing so can limit the amount of prey available to them. However, after a colony of mimics noticed adventurers trading with each other, they developed the idea of trading goods and services for food with travelers. To do so, some took on the same forms of travelers that were common in the area, such as fairies, elves, halflings, and the occasional dragonborn. Whatever the mimics come across that they deem inedible, they put up for auction at their rare magical items shop for high amounts of food. While the buildings have remained where they were for many years, the mimic takeover is still relatively recent; they have only inhabited the town for around 2 decades. Thus, the mimics have not perfected their ability to act like adventurers.

Points of interest

The Labyrinth Library was a well-known building back in the day, though it has lost a lot of popularity since coming into existence. Legend has it that the library hold secrets within its walls, or perhaps underneath the building itself. You may be able to find a rare tome or 2 if you look hard enough.


The town's buildings resemble ramshackle cottages and have a run-down appearance. The mimics took over the town after it had been abandoned many years before. Unfortunately, they are unaware of proper upkeep tactics, so the houses look rather shabby and old.


A fresh water river travels on one side of the small town. The town itself sits in the center of a forest clearing.

Natural Resources

The town has access to fresh water and food from the surrounding forest. There are also raw materials that can be found in the river, such as clay and the occasional rare mineral. Gold has been known to occasionally appear in the river, though it is very rare.


  • Meadowbrook Town Map


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