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This hamlet is primarily home to silver elves, also called moon elves or Eladrin, with a few wood elves and owlin sprinkled into the population. There are 46 silver elves, 11 wood elves, and 5 owlin total. All residents follow the deity Sehanine Moonbow, the elven goddess of the moon. They collect spells relating to life and health, and all study some form of magic.


There is no official government in the hamlet of Mooncrest. However, there is a tribe leader named Mythara Chaza. She is mistrusting of outsiders, though she may be willing to allow the party to stay within the hamlet if they trade knowledge, spells, or magical artifacts with the tribe. They may also take pity on the party should they discuss the disappearance of knowledge throughout the Feywild.


Those within the hamlet use traps and animal companions to protect their home from outsiders. They also use a magical aura surrounding the hamlet to keep it hidden from random people walking past.

Industry & Trade

Those within the town are happy to share knowledge with outsiders they trust. They primarily deal in healing potions and artifacts, though they do share information about nature as well. This includes edible plants in the area, how to hunt, and a few nature-based spells.


There aren't any true homes within the hamlet. Most people live in either huts or in tents, though a few choose to live entirely off the land. The structure of the trees surrounding the hamlet provides shade and protection from the elements; the only thing those living there need to worry about is cold, so heavy clothes and blankets are a constant need.


One may be able to harvest raw materials from inside of the cave, and astute hunters can track game through the forested area.


Starting as a small camp of silver elves, this little hamlet slowly grew into the tribe that now exists. Many of those within the town willingly left their original homes, choosing to live among the trees instead of in large cities. While the hamlet is still new, those within it have formed a tight community and care deeply for one another. The town has become a family of sorts; all those within the town help raise young, care for the elderly, and so on.

The residents of Mooncrest do not care to stay in one place for an extended period of time. When they feel they have overstayed their welcome in one location, their leader will scout out a new location for them to move to.

Points of interest

The mouth of the cave that extends deep into the earth

Two trees that grew to form a complete circle in the center of them which is at the center of the hamlet (most worship sessions and rituals take place in front of this area)

The small running stream


The hamlet is surrounded by tall trees with branches that hang over the townsfolk. It is situated at the base of a tall hill, inside of which is a cave that extends deep underground.

Natural Resources

There are many edible plants, as well as game to hunt in the area. The cave is rich in raw materials, such as iron and copper ore. There is also a stream with fresh running water a short distance away from the hamlet that provides the townsfolk with the water they need.


  • Mooncrest Town Map
Founding Date
56 years prior to campaign start
Location under
Included Locations
Characters in Location


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