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Nya Aiqua

Nya Aiqua is a completely underwater civilization that lies on the east coast of the Feywild. It is home to many sea elves, as well as a few merpeople and other aquatic life. In order for non-amphibious party members to get to this city, they will be required to either purchasea helmet of water breathing or have a long-lasting water breathing spell.

The city is quite large, having a booming shopping district and an enormous residential area. There are several sections of residential homes throughout the city, spaced evenly around the center of Nya Aiqua. You can find just about any shop you could want in this city, including your choice of 4 inns to stay at throughout the area.

There is a military base on the outskirts of the city designed as protection for the royal family. The entirity of the city is surrounded by a protective magical forcefield held in place by the many magic-users that live there. The water currents have been manipulated so that fish life is pushed around the city instead of through it. There is a path that citizens and visitors can take to safely enter the town, though it is unknown to most outsiders.

To protect the town further, there is a wall with a gate surrounding the base of the city. There are several gates scattered around the wall, but only one can actually be accessed. Guards are posted at the top of the wall in case any enemies attempt to access the area by force or with magic.

The town is governed by a ruling monarchy. The king and queen (Darfin and Mylaerla) are the primary rulers, though they do have a daughter, Alanis Valdi, as well as 4 other children. She is a fiesty and troublesome cleric who dreams to see the rest of the Feywild, as well as the material plane. However, her parents keep a close eye on her, only allowing her to wander when under the protection of at least one bodyguard. Alanis also has 2 brothers, 1 sister, and one nonbinary sibling (Katyr, Aein, Selphie, Sylmare).

Most members within this city worship Deep Sashelas, the god of the sea. There is a temple dedicated to his worship complete with a shrine. The centerpiece of the shrine is an idol made in his image. It is built out of a mixture of coral gemstone and white pearl. It is valued both for its materials as well as what it symbolizes. However, party members would not be able to sell it to most vendors, as they will recognize where it is from.

The party may be able to convince someone to purchase the statue by saying it is a replica. However, this would require a deception check of 25+. If sold outside of the Feywild, the DC would go down to 15+. If accepted, the party could earn anywhere from 500-1,500 gp for it, depending on what they tell the buyer.


Mostly sea elves and a few merfolk

Most within the city are magic-users, though there are soldiers among the ranks who protect the city

Wealth classes range from modest to aristocratic, with only the ruling family having high amounts of wealth

Merfolk are generally lower-class citizens with lower-ranking jobs


The ruling monarchy controls the laws, taxes, and military of the surrounding city. Laws are strict but not unfair, meant only to protect the lower classes. However, this does not stop some amount of crime from occurring in the city.

There is a minor police-like force that regulates crime in the streets. These elvish soldiers will stop crime if spotted. However, the force is not large and is thinly spread out throughout the city. This is due to the many soldiers that protect the border of the city.

Any who are found breaking the law will be brought in front of the king and queen for a trial. If found guilty, the criminal will (at the very least) be banished from Nya Aiqua. For more serious crimes, punishment could be as high as the death penalty. The manner of exeqution is up to the DMs discretion. However, this is a rare punishment and should not be made lightly; only those who have killed, raped, or tortured someone with intent will be subject to this punishment, which is generally rare within the city.


There is a military base on the outskirts of the city designed as protection for the royal family. The entirity of the city is surrounded by a protective magical forcefield held in place by the many magic-users that live there. The water currents have been manipulated so that fish life is pushed around the city instead of through it. There is a path that citizens and visitors can take to safely enter the town, though it is unknown to most outsiders.

To protect the town further, there is a wall with a gate surrounding the base of the city. There are several gates scattered around the wall, but only one can actually be accessed. Guards are posted at the top of the wall in case any enemies attempt to access the area by force or with magic.

Industry & Trade

The city of Nya Aiqua is rather closed off from the outside world. However, they do send tradesmen to the surface on occasion to exchange goods with those living on land.

The primary export of Nya Aiqua is seafood. However, they also exchange rare minerals such as pearls and other underwater gems for their imports.

Primary imports for Nya Aiqua include stone, steel, iron, and other hard materials that are harder to find underwater.


This town is run primarily on the electricity produced by both water currents and electrical sealife, such as electric eels. A majority of the cityfolk also rely heavily on magic to produce light and warmth within the city.

The king and queen are proud of the extensive greenary that has been produced within the city in the form of gardens. Towers of kelp, seaweed, and other forms of underwater plantlife has been collected in gardens throughout the city. This keeps oxygen flowing throughout the area so that the cityfolk can thrive.

This settlement was created to display the glory of Deep Sashelas and his creations. Thus, some sea elves have brought different forms of sealife into the city (mostly generic fish and other non-preditory aquatic creatures) into the city.

There are a few sunken ships that citizens have formed into homes and/or shops. These are some of the first buildings that were created in the city and are lorded as historic monuments in the town. Even the city hall was built out of an anciet shipwreck, though the insides have been rebuilt for the sake of structural integrity and class.


There are several shopping districts throughout the city, each separated by small residential areas or public spaces.

There are enormous areas dedicated to underwater gardens referred to as "Shrines to Deep Sashelas". These gardens often span to the height of the city where the protective current begins.

The center of the town is designated as the ruling class district, though most outsiders are forbidden from entering. Only those with direct business with the king and queen, or those who are being brought to trial, may enter here. Buildings include the courthouse, town hall, military base, the palace of the king and queen, and the homes of the servants who work for the king and queen. For party members who wish to access this area, there would be a need to speak with either one of the soldiers wandering the city or Princess Alanis.


Seashells, bones, and fish scales can be harvested from the area surrounding the town for a small profit. Rare underwater minerals can also be mined for, though it takes an astute eye to find them. Skilled adventures may also be able to find rare fossils or pearls in the surrounding area.

Exceptional fishing and swimming gear can be purchased inside of the town for outsiders, particularly those who are not accustumed to underwater life.

Underwater plant life can be harvested as food sources, such as kelp and seaweed. However, it is not recommended to take this directly from the gardens without express permission.

Jewelry made from pearls and other expensive underwater gems can be purchased from local shops. Magical items made from these resources can also be found.

The main shrine to Deep Sashelas holds the city's prized idol of their god.

Guilds and Factions

There is a large faction that supports the ruling monarchy. They are devote worshipers of Deep Sashelas and make up a majority of the population of Nya Aiqua.

There is a small faction of individuals who choose to worship Umberlee, the chaotic evil goddess of the sea rather than Deep Sashelas. They live in more run-down communities within Nya Aiqua. A majority of those who worship Umberlee are merfolk, though there are a few dozen sea elves who also choose to worship her instead. These groups are considered lesser within the city and are watched closely by law enforcement officials.

There is a rather prominent thieves guild within the community, though it is well hidden. There are several entrances that lead to the secretive thieves guild building, which can be located by those familiar with Thieves Cant. There are underwater caves hidden throughout the city that lead to the guild, which is held within an open cave system. Some members of the guild may be willing to spill information about the guild if they trust or are intimidated by party members.

Points of interest

Any of the many shrines to Deep Sashelas

The incredible underwater gardens

The castle of king and queen Valdi

The underwater aquarium


Any of the many shrines to Deep Sashelas

The incredible underwater gardens

The castle of king and queen Valdi

The underwater aquarium

Outsiders may stay in one of a few inns or hotels surrounding the city


Many citizens live in homes built out of hardened coral. However, wealthier residents may have homes built out of reinforced seashells or bone. Stone, wood, and concrete are rare sights in this city.

A majority of the buildings are short and wide in order to make up for being underwater. However, the palace in the center of the city is tall and granduer, significantly taller and wider than any other building. It is also built entirely out of seashells and bone, and has many extravagent details.

Temples are also built entirely from shell and bone to accentuate their importance. These are tall spires, designed to capture the eye of anyone swimming past.


This underwater city resides on the edge of a coral reef. On the opposite side of the reef, which is closer to the shore, is a drop off into the deeper parts of the ocean. Not having natural access to fresh water, the cityfolk have figured out a way to turn their saltwater into drinkable water. Most residants have magic that allows them to turn salt water into potable water; those who don't have to purchase potable water from their neighbors or local shops. Many tend to buy potable water in bulk.

The coral reef is beautiful and teeming with life, though it is difficult to see from inside of the city due to its tall walls. Party members can look up and see the coral reefs in the background.

Natural Resources

Shells, sand, gravel, and rocks are all prominent natural resources in this city. However, astute adventurers may also be able to locate small pearls and other rarer materials on the outskirts of the city. Fossils can also be found on the outskirts of the city, though they are extremely rare. Party members are more likely to find them outside of the city in the coral reefs themselves.

Fish are plentiful in this underwater habitat. However, it is not recommended to kill fish in front of the residents. If the party wants to go fishing for their food, it is suggested to go outside of the city to do so, or at least be out of eyesight. Citizens do not like having blood in the water of their city.

Large city
Location under
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