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Argasar Bairon

Everything here is slowly being updated as I play or new information is learned. Spoilers are used to hide WIP sections of articles. Since I currently have no other way to do so.


  He's clearly some kind of roach that keeps popping back up everytime you think you've gotten rid of him. Fumigation seemed to be the answer, then that didn't work either.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

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Light Corruption

While suffering from light limbs would become numb, cold, and stiff. There were some physical changes, later some became permanent.  
Mt. Glug

Body Features

Has a number of scars from the usual daily activities, at least five of which are significant from battles.

Facial Features

Paints face in order to appear more balanced.   Sustained a facial injury during a battle with a primal. Vision in the left eye is now limited by a sagging eyelid and is often kept covered for safety.   Hair has white highlights that sometimes appear iridescent during the day or have a dim glow at night.

Special abilities

The Echo

First manifested around eight summers, he saw the star shower while out one evening.   He would sometimes know things he shouldn't or events before they happened. It was found that future visions were not set in stone and the outcomes could be altered. Elders believed these were some form of clairvoyance, attempts to teach him how to harness it all led to frustration and failure. The extent of the ability was not discovered until later due to the isolation.   Once he left home it certainly was odd that he could communicate with foreigners despite them speaking another language. Obtaining the crystal is what fully awakened the echo.  
  • Visions of possible futures
  • Ability to see past memories
  • Resistance to corruption
  • Understanding of other languages
  • See invisible entities

Apparel & Accessories

The metal clasp tips on the horns are dulled, this helps prevent accidental stabbings and poking of holes in things. They also keep the horns themselves from getting stuck, chips, and other damage.   The first outfit he has is his tribal clothing. 1 It was ruined during the calamity, but he still keeps the remnants intending to someday repair it.
  The starting adventurer clothes once belonged to one of Chigusa's family members before she gave them to him.     Currently there are different outfits depending on the job. After EW the new tribal clothes have the appropriate amount of coins reflecting his new station.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Home Life

When he began having strange visions he was sent to Oghul to learn ancient magicks. This misinterpretation of the echo lead to frustration as the techniques did not help in controlling it.   At eleven summers killed one of the enemies attacking the tribe during a migration earning praise.   Spent some years going off on small expeditions with friends always returning with supplies for the tribe.   When left unoccupied too long would get into fights with others. Having him work as a guard put an end to them.


After going to her for advice, Oghul encouraged him to leave home when terrible visions started to occur daily. Curiosity led him westward to new places.   Was very cautious of strangers, and would rarely approach settlements.
  Learned to swim after being pulled from the water by Casimir in an unsuccessful attempt to cross a river. They traveled together until they reached Eorzea.    
Was near enough to be caught up in the calamity's falling debris leaving his memory clouded, he is not sure where he is or how he got there.   Manages to wander over to the refugee settlement in the Black Shroud where he's given used clothes to replace his ruined armor while recovering.   Many residents mistake him as a fleeing conscript. After a month of mute blank expressions he finally starts responding to questions with brief one or two word answers. Time there is spent doing chores and helping rebuild the area. Living in the settlement allows him to slowly adapt to life in Eorzea learning the cultural expectations and customs.    


Found his pet coeurl kitten  
Someone in Ul'dah recognized what he was trying to teach people to do. The next encounter with the Brass Blades had him taken to Alchemists' Guild instead of the usual thrown out the city for causing a disturbance. Unfortunately a lack of patience and self-control caused problems. His time working with the alchemists' guild was brief and led no where. This poor experience led to hesitation when joining the thaumaturge guild.  
His unfortunate reputation as a brute who lashes out at others for incomprehensible reasons followed him to the Waking Sands. After a few violent incidents, fellow workers went out of their way to avoid him. By accident they realized giving him a pail of old cleaning water puts him in a good mood. As a joke they continue to give him pails just to see how long it would take for him to realize it's worthless. Overjoyed by the 'gifts' he starts bringing back distilled water as thanks. Thancred finds out the returned liquid is the very same dirty water Argasar was originally given. This discovery does change people's views of him.   In Camp Drybone he was terribly distressed and confused when asked to bury the body without harvesting the water first. He attempts to address the problem, bringing up his concerns to any who will listen only to be met with disgusted horror.     Wounded in the fight with Ifrit    


Feels guilt over events at the vault leading to acknowledging that his father had a point all those years ago. He starts taking on the tank roll more frequently during this time seeing it as a way to protect his remaining friends.     "Blood for blood, I'm gonna kill that bitch."     Switches back to being primarily dragoon before the grand melee.    


Took a lot of convincing to get him to believe the Kojin's blessing would work. Unfortunate events in his past made it difficult to believe people can just breathe underwater, it sure didn't work all those other times.     Decides not to return home. He realizes that it would be easier to protect his home from outside forces in his current position. He also recognized that he's become alienated from his old way of life, making the thought of returning to it constraining. This does not stop him from from slipping back into his old ways while there.     Alarmed by Sadu's acknowledgement on the way he was dressed, his origin given away by his mannerisms.   Becomes distressed when finding the Dotharl wasting water. Perhaps they thought he would take it, they did tell him where it was. Unfortunately he recognizes that his new friends might not be very accepting of the practice, nor does he have the tools for rendering it.  
Feels vindicated after friends realize there is a missing body. If only they listened when he wanted the corpses rendered properly, then there wouldn't be undead problems to begin with.    


Absolutely hates it everytime Emet-Selch calls him hero, does his best to refrain from just decking the man. The Ascian is aware of this and just continues to antagonize.     Relates to Quinfort and believes everything he says having similar visions himself before he left home.     Finds Amh Araeng nostalgic with all the sand and explorable ruins. He is happy to spend time there especially with friends.     Drank the bottle before breaking it.     Hair and eyebrows are permanently highlighted with white. They sometimes even seem to glow in certain lighting.    


When in Mare Lamentorum he decides Greatest Endsvale, despite being very different from what is expected, is one of the most amazing things he has ever seen. He hadn't seen a forest until his early twenties and their interpretation of one is fascinating.   Resuscitation was required.2 Then immediately complained about children wasting water, receiving a sturn lecture about his recent behavior in return.  
Is visited by Altani, Udutai, and Dayir after he returns. This was very conflicting, he was both beyond elated they were there and irate they weren't where they belong back in the deep desert.     Doesn't want to get involved with politics, but is going along with it to see the new world.  


Gets his old ruined tribal clothing replaced before leaving.   For their own safety he insists his friends learn the essential skill of swimming. It does not go as smoothly as he hoped, just getting them in the water was a task in of itself.   loves the energy drinks, probably shouldn't be having them   Realizes there are resources that are just as precious as water.   finally forgives G'raha   Thinks the juice lady has the best idea ever, enthusiastically aides in her endeavors.


  Despite not having a formal education he's proud of how much he has learned.   He's secretly embarrassed about not knowing how to read. His first experience at a library didn't help his view on books. After learning they don't normally attack he quickly lost interest.   Friends have attempted to improve his literacy and knowledge with limited success. Often taking him with them to places with lots of reading material or leaving him with subjects he might find interesting hoping curiosity might aid in their efforts. Much to his friends' disappointment the only thing he has shown an interest in reading is the "Thavnairian Truth".


He would stand watch and guard his tribe, most shifts were him staying at his post chasing off the rare enemy or animal. Some days he would be assigned to a hunting group going out to gather supplies.   After leaving he became an adventurer.   Job story lines that occurred: Dragoon, Machinist, Dark Knight, Astrologian, fisher, gathering, carpenter, blacksmith, leatherworker, warrior, rogue, black mage, gunbreaker.  


Primary weapon was a lance before joining the lancer guild.  


Was introduced to firearms while in Ishgard.  

Dark Knight

  Foolishly picked something shiny off the ground  
Character | Mar 16, 2024


Despite well meaning attempts he is too easily distracted to make much of a healer. Was intrigued by the field out of interest in the stars that reminded him of home.  


Enjoyed it during his early adventuring days out of nostalgia. Shifted focus toward dark knight after the start of heavensward due to life events. Returned to continue storyline after dragonsong war.      


Events ended when rogue storyline completed.    

Black Mage

Listened to the woman at the front desk then left. Sometime later returned to sate his curiosity and the guild members would read his lessons to him. Unfortunately a lack of focus leads to over or underpowered spells. In the back of his mind he knows that everything Oghul taught him was correct, those lessons allowed him to quickly grasp the guilds methods.

Failures & Embarrassments

The first time he saw the ocean he drank the water, regretted this decision.   Use to think Miqo'te were just young Hrothgar and they got furrier as they aged. It wasn't until he made it to Eorzea that this was corrected.   Was banished from the Drybone Tavern after one too many fights with the patrons.     Thanalan didn't take kindly to his life improving suggestions. 'Tis a shame really, they at least would've helped reduce the zombie population.     Was confused when M'zhet refers to him as a brother, he was the second Miqo'te to do so. Maybe it's a cultural thing?

Morality & Philosophy

Prioritizes survival. Will attempt to impress onto others values and techniques that will make meeting the needs of surviving easier so that they can spend more time living. The majority of his recommendations are not acceptable by other societies.   Has no problem killing if needed, but does desire to properly lay his enemies to rest. (preferably by his traditions, once he made it to Eorzea others objected to these practices)

Personality Characteristics


Driven by curiosity, adventure, and a desire to protect his tribe.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Due to his upbringing he excels in survival even in the most extreme environments.     Is familiar with allagan technology. Fighting and harvesting materials from machines is a no brainer, mostly due to the ruins scattered about the desert where he grew up.

Likes & Dislikes

Brings Joy

Enjoys cinnamon flavored foods as well as anything with a refreshing taste.   A particular favorite is fried snake, unfortunately it's not a common food in the places he visits and he's forced to make it himself.   Will have crunchys 3 as a snack can be raw or cooked with flavoring.     Likes cats even if some don't like him, one saved his life once. Recently he has taken to trying to pet different ones, this is not usually well received.    

Does Not Bring Joy

Dislikes being referred to as a hero, he does not view himself as such. He just thinks he's doing his job.   Boring meetings, he doesn't even know why he's there half the time.   Hates anyone wasting potable drinks. Those he catches commiting this grave offense will learn a painful lesson.   Cramped and narrow spaces, his horns make it difficult or impossible to maneuver through these areas. Having spent most of his life out in the wide open these places are just uncomfortable in general.   Leviathan, after almost drowning early in his adventure the large waves and strong currents made this fight particularly terrifying.   Ul'dah, he doesn't understand the place. The people there are either manipulative, or can't do anything for themselves. Why don't they learn to use the resources around them.     Sharlayan the entire nation rubs him the wrong way. They have all this information but rely on others for basic necessities.

Virtues & Personality perks

Extremely loyal to companions and takes betrayal personally much to the offenders detriment.     Can hold his liquor very well

Vices & Personality flaws

Has a gambling problem. The uniqueness of the Gold Saucer is incredibly distracting.   Becomes impatient when angry leading to foolish impulsive decisions.   Has an ugly possessiveness that comes out when he thinks he knows what is better for someone.   Growing up in isolation has made him distrustful of strangers, and likely to hold a grudge. Upon meeting Urianger for the first time his immediate response was that the elezen was a shady lier that would stab him in the back simply because the man kept his face hidden. The best way to earn his trust is through actions.   Ignorance of the world makes him gullible enough to believe odd conspiracies. One of note was about the allagan's plans to cause water to miraculously fall from the sky. It's believed this technique was used to quickly produce melons storing precious water inside for themselves.   Is a bit of a work-a-holic making it difficult to just stop and take a break, he always feels the need to be doing something no matter how mundane.   People have realized that they can convince him to stick around with tasty food and drink, he'll even accept it as payment. 4     Is terrible at dancing, he simply has no rhythm. Most of the time people just lie to him about it so he doesn't feel bad once they find out.

Personality Quirks

Still has occasional issues with culture shock. His response can range from excited fascination to horror. Unfortunately if it's the latter he will attempt to correct whatever he thinks is wrong even if it makes the situation worse. The most notable instances often involve water those values are simply too ingrained.


He had hard time adjusting to the use of water while bathing. It had to be explained numerous times that the heated water is not intended or suited for drinking and a lack of water isn't a concern.   After some time he grudgingly accepts the new cultural expectations but would still have objections about it if in more extreme environments. Thanalan, Coerthas5 ,Gyr Abania, Mare Lamentorum, and Amh Araeng are all areas where it would be difficult to get him to use water in ways he perceives as frivolous.   Currently he will bathe when it is available but not without initial hesitation before entering the water.


Contacts & Relations

Has two retainers working for him.
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Family Ties

Family assumed he was probably dead ever since he went out into the desert years ago and never returned. Recent rumors have changed this belief. These were emphasized by a couple of tribe members claiming to have seen him out by The Burn.   Despite leaving he does care very much for his family. His travels have revealed all of the threats in the world changing his view on how to keep them safe.  
  Makes false claims about his marital status after a particularly awkward conversation born of misunderstandings.

Religious Views

Follows whatever his tribe believes.    

The Twelve

  Learned of them in Eorzea, while he doesn't worship them will do what is expected in the new culture.   Watched over by Oschon during his travels.

Social Aptitude

While he has low charisma he can be very persuasive. It's amazing how far a threatening glare and a good brandishing of a weapon can get you.     Is excited to share his culture with others, unfortunately it isn't usually well received. Even the food is regarded with caution, his friends no longer let him prepare food for everyone after he brought crunchys to eat.


Is is surprisingly expressive, often reacts to things with full body gestures.   An abundance of energy makes it hard to stay still, will wander about and fiddle with random objects if forced to stay in one place.   Will rub his horns against or hug things he likes. examples: that terrible pet of his, mounts, and new shinys. Giving gifts like freshwater is a indicator that he considers the recipient a friend.   Very rarely sheds tears due to his upbringing, to do so would be wasting water needed to keep one alive. This has led to him being berated multiple times for being insensitive toward how other people express their feelings. His new friends relished at the opportunity to get back at him when he finally did over seeing his old friends for the first time in eight summers.   Prefers resting midday when the beating of the sun and heat should be avoided.   Will eat almost anything even if he doesn't like it.

Hobbies & Pets

Has a pet coeurl kitten he found orphaned in the wild. It isn't friendly towards others or him.  
Enjoys fishing, the notion that there are creatures that can't live outside of the water is fascinating.  


Owns all mounts received during the MSQ as all these events did happen.   Other mounts
  • panther, clearly it's the prettiest of cats. It has a set of armor for dangerous situations.
  • Speech

    Is usually candid when holding conversations   Rough voice with a heavy native accent at times, this occasionaly makes pronouncing foreign words difficult particularly names.   Will refer to others by description in native language.6 Thancred is an odd exception to this only being called by his name. Others maybe privy to what he's saying but can't bring themselves to address it.
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    Trust quotes:



    Wealth & Financial state

    Does not view gil as valuable and will spend it recklessly. Most wealth is tied up in assets consisting of weapons, armor, assorted objects, along with an apartment.


      Assorted thoughts and reasonings on subjects.   1- The game has never indicated what it is and I doubt it will. Working on something that's suitable based on what little info is available.     2- Due to issues installing the game prolonged black screens often implied the game was broken, came very close to turning it off before realizing that the cut scene was still playing.   3- Scorpions   4- There have been several instances in the game where he sticks around in a situation he clearly doesn't want to be in and there's always food involved.   5- Doesn't view snow as water   6- Echo? Since it's being used as a name it is not translated.   7- It's implied people stop at the spring before entering the desert.
    neutral good
    Honorary & Occupational Titles
    Has many titles, dislikes being referred to as any of them. He understands that they are used out of respect, and allows others to address him appropriately.
    Date of Birth
    6th sun of the 2nd astral moon
    Year of Birth
    1552 28 Years old
    Nhaama Desert
    Light gray
    Skin Tone/Pigmentation
    Cool gray
    7' (214cm)
    Other Affiliations
    Known Languages
    Fluent in his tribal language, Xaela, and common.

    cinnamon and leather


    Altani Bairon
    Character | Oct 7, 2024
    Bujir Bairon
    Character | Oct 6, 2024
    Udutai Bairon
    Character | Sep 16, 2024
    Casimir Brankasch
    Character | Jan 3, 2024

    Unused Story Branches

    Random storylines that probably won't be used but were vaguely interesting thoughts.  

    Not the Warrior of Light

    Has a weaker version of clairvoyance where his visions are more cryptic leading them to be interpreted differently. Completes Bardam's Mettle before heading to Eorzea. Aside from having his yol, at this point events are the same until five years after the Calamity. Picks up work as an adventurer specializing in melee combat and gathering. Can be found wandering, taking in all the new and unusual sights. Rarely enters settlements preferring to just rough it in the wilderness.     Most frequented city is Limsa Lominsa as they are the most tolerant of his presence.   Joined the adventurer's guild in Gridania, where he eagerly takes on quests along with trading materials and products.   Mother Miounne does her best to keep him from loitering around the establishment. To help prevent incidents she won't serve drinks until he leaves, much to the patrons displeasure.   Has a strained reputation with Ul'dah. Confused by the refugee situation, he assumes they might simply need to be taught how to live off the land. His efforts, no matter how well intended, aren't appreciated leading to conflicts. The Brass Blades have taken to keeping a close eye on him, occasionally refusing entry if tensions within the walls are too high. He has similar problems with other Thanalan settlements.    

    Parents Find Him

      Members of the tribe would, on rare occasion, enter Reunion to trade. 7 Dayir along with two others split-off to gather needed supplies while the rest remain in the settlement. During this outing he hears a familiar voice and goes to investigate. Much to his complete and utter shock he finds Argasar associating with strangers. Overwhelmed he can't decide if he's elated or unbelievably livid, without thinking he promptly seizes the man by the shirt and decks him. Taking advantage of Argasar's disorientation drags him off to rejoin the others.      
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    Bad Endings


    Efforts on the first end in failure.  


    Phase 1   Defensive pose, on the ground, slow moving heavy attacks, folded wings.   Swipe: frontal cone Aoe   Phase 2   Becomes active, stays in the air, environment changes knocking down surrounding structures.   Sandstorm: sand blows across the field, players must take cover. Does significant damage but survivable. remaining structures crumble after.   Summon: summons petty sin eaters to the fight, will drop water needed to survive phase change   Sun Beats Down: raid wide, flash of light engulfs the field. Those who didn't pick up water die of dehydration.   Phase 3   Jump: a series of circle aoe attacks from the sky   Render: tank buster, health is siphoned from afflicted.   Enrage:   A slow Sun Beats Down, the sun will rise in the background the lighting getting brighter as it gets higher the fight ending when it reaches its zenith.


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