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Bairon (Bi-ron)

Everything here is slowly being updated as I play or new information is learned. Spoilers are used to hide WIP sections of articles. Since I currently have no other way to do so.
This is filler for a lack of information. Doubt more info will ever be given out for them, but on the off chance it is the article will be changed to fit. (Clearly they're infulenced by Fremen for now, with a description like that and internal joke gone way too far what else would it be.)


The isolated group prefers to stay deep in the desert. This prime location makes them difficult to attack allowing the tribe to maintain its size and a longer average lifespan than other tribes.


Water is considered extremely important. Wasting it is frowned upon, viewed as putting another person at risk of dehydration. Everyone is given an appropriate amount of water for personal use, extra can be returned to the tribe for redistribution or added to an allotment allowing for longer trips in the desert.     The middle of the day is used to rest, most activity takes place during dusk and dawn.   They navigate the vast sprawling desert using the stars at night.  

Coming of Age Rites

Children are taught how to use weapons as soon as they are able to hold them.   Killing enemies at a young age is not only expected but rewarded.     An adult may take a journey to complete Bardam's Mettle but should return within a few years. This time is also used to become more familiar with the outside.    

Courtship & Marriage

Potental spouses are decided by the parents at a young age, taking who they get along with and relatives into account. This helps prevent health problems within the group. Trying to marry someone from outside approved individuals is frowned upon and will be shunned. If it's to someone not from the tribe the outsider must be initiated in and take up the new way of living. This typically only happens if the population drops significantly.     One may choose to give coins to their spouse in order to raise them to an equal status by sacrificing some of their own.      

Funerary Rites

The dead both friend and enemy are rendered for their water. The bodies are placed in a furnace during the day and heated by fire crystals. The furnace is kept down wind of the current camp and can be moved as nessesary by sliding poles through the top.     Remains are returned to the family then buried in the desert. Belongings are divided up among family and friends.    


Dead need to be put to rest before moon rise or else their spirits remain to haunt the living.  

Food & Cuisine

Usually eats what is provided by the desert. Birds, lizards, snakes, cacti, other succulents, scorpions, hares, whatever they can hunt, and animals from their herds are all everyday foods. Meat not consumed immediately is dried using the sun and a special metal box. Spices are used to help preserve everything.    

Arts & Architecture

Structures and furnishings are made from cloth, leather, stone, bone, and metal. Wood is a rare luxury and requires trade to obtain.


Composed of material collected from the ruins and powered by fire and lightning crystals. Lights will change color to indicate filter status blue for good, yellow for needs to be changed, and red for contamination. If red everything needs to be cleaned out and thoroughly sanitized.   The number of coins an individual has is earned (typically from killing enemies) and shows ones status in the tribe.
Underneath Cloak
Fully Dressed
While out in the desert they use the cloak to keep themselves covered providing protection from the wind, sand, and sun.
  A set of light clothes is used at home while the armor is maintained.   Children have a very basic set of adjustable armor only covering the torso with few metal parts. During periods of rapid growth they will simply wear their light clothes until new armor can be fashioned.  


Will sweat bathe on occasion.   The sun is used to help clean and deodorize items by leaving them out or hung up during peak hours of the day.  

Myths & Legends



Doesn't get along with the Torgud and Kagon. Extremely cautious when passing through Dotharl territory otherwise avoids them. Contact with these tribes has decreased since the order for the Bairon to be left alone.

  Will trade with the Mierqid and Urumet.     Occasionally the tribe sends members on a long trek over to Reunion to trade.


Members will wander over to The Burn to collect old allagan remnants. The metal pieces, hoses, and wire are an important resource and have a good trade value.

Technological Level

Materials gathered from the ruins are essental in survival.   Solar thermal stills are used to produce clean water. Fire crystals are a secondary heat source doubling as cooking fires. Dry brush is used only in extreme situations due to limited availability. Sleds are used to help transport vital resources when the tribe moves to another location.
Geopolitical, Tribe
Related Species
Related Ethnicities


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