Islwyn, Druid of Newdawn
Islwyn (a.k.a. The Druid of Newdawn)
As the sun rises, so too does the world.Islwyn is the first of the Druid Circle of Life, the Knitter of Newdawn. He is responsible for welcoming new life into the world, knitting the world awake as it shakes away the hold of the darkness. He is the patron of new and expectant mothers, whispering words of encouragement and shining a light on the dark thoughts of doubt.
Divine Domains
Islwyn is the patron of Awakening and Self-Awareness, bringing new life to the world and shining a light into the darkness.
Divine Symbols & Sigils
The candle shines brightly no matter the depth of the darkness, just as the faithful must shine their own light into the darkest places of themselves.Youth
Babies of all species represent the dawn of life in its purest form, including sprouts from all types of plants. While Islwyn has also been shown holding infants of all species, the usage of Sprouting plants is a more common imagery.Holidays
Festival of Newdawn
The Festival of Newdawn officially falls on the first day of Newdawn in the Druidic Calendar, although it is frequently celebrated later in northern climates where the sun delays its reappearance. The faithful celebrate through songs and dancing, eagerly anticipating the emergence of the sun from the cold of Iceturn. Once sunrise begins all daylight minutes are spent outside until the sun has set and the singing and dancing resume. In most cities all babies born within the last year are presented before the town as part of this celebration of life.
Divine Classification
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Druid of Newdawn