The faithful of the Druid Circle of Life believe the fates of the world are guided by a Druidic Knitting Circle, with each of the nine Druids responsible for all life during their month of the Druidic Calendar. The religion is especially popular in Arcturia, who continue to practice their beliefs despite their annexation into the territory of the Church of the Heathen Prophet. The Druidic Calendar divides the year into nine months, each one denoting a particular stage in the cycle of life. The calendar itself is split into seasons — Thawing, Growing, and Frost — with the Druids knitting assistance with the corresponding tasks required to best prepare for the next month. Developed while the Arcturians were still an agricultural society, the religious holidays of the Druid Circle of Life have evolved over time in response to the War of Generations and its forced abandonment of traditional agricultural traditions due to safety concerns. In spite of this the religion and its Druids have remained true to their roots, shepherding their followers through the seasons to best prepare for the harshness of the Frost season.