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Itu Hanali

Itu Hanali (a.k.a. Tentacle Boy)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Itu is in good shape (due to working on ships and docks for years) but isn't large, and still shows that he grew up as a twig of a boy.

Body Features

Itu has a regular human body, but has decorated his left arm with a large tattoo of a tentacle in tribute to the Fathomless.

Facial Features

Itu has a friendly, inquisitive face with a rounded chin and medium-sized nose. His lips insistently curl into a grin. His hair is short, maybe half an inch long.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Itu was born in Mythshire to a farming family. His mother, Eldira, died when he was three. He can sometimes remember her face, or the lilt of her voice as she sang him to sleep, but most of the time he has no memory of that time of his life. His father (Kirau) taught him how to help out with the farm, but he caught a bad case of the plague when Itu was eight and left to join Itu's mother.   Orphaned, Itu was adopted by neighbors and friends of his parents: Beren and Hua Rinkledge. They were even poorer than Itu's parents, but they gave him what they could. Beren told him stories of his past life working on ships out of Elmund's Keep, and this sparked in Itu a longing for independence, both an independent life on the sea and a life for himself and his adopted family where they didn't have to depend on the goodwill of people buying the meager crafts Hua made.   At 16 Itu left Mythshire for Elmund's Keep with 3 pieces of gold and the clothes on his back. He quickly found work on the ship of one Captain Edward Potempki, a vessel for hire to move anything that needed moving over the water. He saved everything he could from that job and sent as much as he could back to Beren and Hua in Mythshire.   At 18, Captain Potempki's vessel was destroyed in a storm on the Endless Sea. It had seemed to arise from nowhere. The sails went from lapping the mast to tearing apart in minutes. The crew tied themselves to the ship so they weren't thrown off, but this proved to be a mistake. The ship was destroyed on the waves and caught in a whirlpool. Sent under the water while trying to untie himself, Itu was blind. He fumbled for the rope and managed eventually to free himself and open his eyes, but couldn't tell which way was up. He struggled in the direction he thought was the surface, but a current caught him and whipped him away from the remains of his ship and crewmates. Nearly out of breath, Itu felt darkness closing in. Then he heard the voice of the Fathomless for the first time.   It had been years since the Fathomless had been disturbed, and it made a pact with Itu (through telepathy) mostly out of curiosity. It wanted to see what this tiny creature was. After Itu answered some questions about himself, the Fathomless seemed to be bored and told him to follow the bubbles upward to the surface. It would let Itu keep the powers it gave him to survive, as long as every year on the Spring Equinox Itu returned to this spot deep in the Endless Sea to answer its questions.   The questions the Fathomless asks tend to be about the history and development of the Material Plane, and to this end Itu has started learning as much history as he can in hopes of enticing the Fathomless into giving him more power.   Since then, Itu has continued working on boats, but has not become as close with any of his new captains as he was with Edward. He is currently working with Captain Rosy Audia. He continues to send home as much of his money as he can, living in a tiny apartment by the docks when necessary.


Itu is bisexual.


Itu has no formal education, but is able to read and write and has read a lot of local history.


Itu currently works on Captain Rosy Audia's ship, bringing goods back and forth from Elmund's Keep.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Itu has been the fastest swimmer on his past 4 ships.

Failures & Embarrassments

Last year Itu found a lady whose company he enjoyed. He tried to woo her but she ended up choosing to marry the son of an Elmund's Keep businessman instead.

Mental Trauma

Itu tends to keep working through grief and has not totally processed the loss of either his parents or his former shipmates.

Intellectual Characteristics

Itu has an interest in history, or any new reliable methods for making money.


Hobbies & Pets


Itu is an introspective, inquisitive human of about 24 years. He grew up poor, traveling at the age of 16 to Elmond's Keep to find work on trading vessels. An accident at sea led to his familiarity and pact with the Fathomless Deep.

View Character Profile
Neutral Good
Currently Held Titles
Date of Birth
February 20
Current Residence
Elmund's Keep
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
170 lbs


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