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Persephone Raith

Persephone Raith (a.k.a. Sephie, Seph.)

Persephone, or Sephie as her friends call her, is the daughter of the count of Mythshire. She knows she was born under mysterious circumstances but that only drives her to prove herself more. Persephone wants to be a leader. She doesn't know of what or why, but that's what she strives for. After the festival, she fled into the Feywild, seeking shelter amongst the Seelie. She's strong-willed, ambitious, passionate, and sometimes abrasive. She's working on that.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Curvey with a little thin, lean muscle

Body Features

Tattoos on her left arm of vines and flowers found in the Feywild.

Facial Features

Sharp nose and cheekbones, prominent jaw, very slightly tilted up eyes.

Identifying Characteristics

Green hair and eyebrows, different greens the color of the forest. Ram's horn crown around her head, immovable.

Physical quirks

She can do the clover shaped thing with her tongue.

Special abilities

Wild shape, healing, spells.

Apparel & Accessories

Seelie garb from the Feywild, long gnarled staff with a green mossy crystal at the top.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

When Persephone Raith was born, she wasn’t just a child, she was a bargain. Her parents, Malcolm and Annabelle Raith, were barren. They made a pact with a coven of Hags from the Mirsk to be blessed with a child. Thus, Persephone was born. Of course, if it was known that the mayor of Mythshire and his wife made a deal with hags, it would be political suicide. Therefore it was known that the night Sephie was born, her mother was having terrible trouble with the delivery, a wandering doctor came and magically assisted with the birth and was able to save the mother and child. The green hair and ram’s horn crown was a side effect of the magic, of course. Persephone was never told the real truth about how she was conceived. After the Autumn Equinox festival, she fled to the Mirsk. She always had a hunch that there was something strange about the circumstances around her birth, and the only information she was able to glean was that it had to do with the Mirsk. She wanders into the Feywild and is taken up by a group of eladrin of the Seelie Court. Sephie fit in quite well, having been raised a noble and having a Feywild lineage. She made fast friends with other elves her age, particularly the son of an elf of high position. Elves outside the group that she originally met do see her as lesser and not one of them, which made it difficult for her to stay close with her friend. He had a higher purpose, his family said. He should not be spending time with a lowly human with an Unseelie lineage. (INSERT MALE ELADRIN NAME HERE) had to break ties with Persephone to follow his lineage. This upset Sephie. She vowed to become a beloved, well-known leader that people respected. She wanted to be of a high station so that she could remain friends with (INSERT MALE ELADRIN NAME HERE). She wants to live up to her noble family name. Persephone learned a bit about the true nature of her heritage during her time in the Feywild and was constantly reminded of it by those who did not accept her. She comes back to the Material plane after ten years after hearing rumors of adventure and possibly more info about her hertiage, as well as wanting to make a name for herself by taking up her parent’s position as leader of Mythshire. Persephone houses a debt to the Seelie for sheltering and teaching her for ten years, which she carries with her. She does not know how she will repay it, or what she will be asked to do.

Gender Identity





Growing up a noble, she had pretty good tutoring up to age 15, before she fled to the Feywild. There, she had training in the magic of the Feywild by members of the Seelie.

Mental Trauma

A little fucked up from spending so much time in the Feywild Subconsciously drawn towards Unseelie stuff.

Personality Characteristics


Become someone worthy to be a leader, to be beloved by those she leads, pay off of her debts to the Seelie Court, escape from the hag(s) that are responsible for her birth.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: Being under the canopy of trees, festivities of merriment, small furry animals, painting, freedom.   Dislikes: The ocean (freshwater is fine), injustices, strictness, extreme heat, poetry.

Vices & Personality flaws

Believes she's here for a greater purpose, but frequently thinks she's not good enough. Will help just about anyone.


Good hygiene, but doesn't go out of her way to look extra pretty. Likes looking put together, with natural beauty.


Contacts & Relations

Seelie Court, son of a Seelie noble. Kinda a rival. Hags

Family Ties

Raith family

Social Aptitude

Pretty savvy.


Lower female voice, kinda nonchalant. Sarcastic.

Born under questionable circumstances, Persephone Raith is mostly human. She strives to prove that she is a hero, and to become a beloved leader. Sephie is strong-willed, ambitious, passionate, yet can sometimes be abrasive.

View Character Profile
Neutral Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Countess of Mythshire
Current Residence
Forest Green
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
160 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
"I got this." (she, in fact, does not got this)
Ruled Locations

