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Mythshire (Mith-shai-ur)

The home of our heroes, Mythshire is situated on the coast of Loch Morag and is the seat of power in County Mythshire. Rising from the ruin of a dragon attack ten years ago, the small village is well on its way to returning to its past glory.


Primarily human and halfling.

Important Residents

Eddie: The owner and operator of the Dancing Faun, Eddie is a halfling with a bit of paunch, short black hair, and an impressive mustache. Full of pride and self-assurance, Eddie makes a sociable barkeep. Quick to tell a tale to a captive audience, Eddie's version of the villa incident may be a little more far-fetched than others. Despite his bluster, or maybe because of it, Eddie is good at seeing through people's facades. He offered Mia the job as barmaid after the incident as a way of reaching out without hurting her pride and has a knack for looking out for her without appearing to. He's never pried into the truth of what happened at the villa, though upon learning has promised to not tell another soul. Following the destruction of Reen, Eddie has moved to Mythshire. Doing what he can to help his new home, he wishes nothing more than to reopen the Dancing Faun.
  Piper: Piper is a 17-year-old human with green eyes and curly red hair that hangs past her shoulders. She wears a modest maroon dress with green embroidery and a tall, pointed straw hat, as well as a crystal on a necklace. Piper is a country hedge mage, well respected by the people of Reen. She often entertains children at festivals and market days by conjuring motes of flame or bouquets of flowers, and she helps the adults in town by supplying them with sleeping tonics and preventatives. Piper is a clever woman—one of the few literate people in town—but she feels inadequate compared to her late master, her grandmother who was a master alchemist that retired to the country to help people. Despite Piper’s self-doubt, she is beloved by the townsfolk, who are simply happy to have a real wizard in their midst! Following the destruction of Reen, Piper moved to Mythshire. Offered a patronage by Countess Mythshire, Piper strives to prove and improve her skills in both magic and alchemy.
  Mia Marsh: Mia is the widow of Raphael. She is a human of average height in her early thirties with blue eyes and wavy blonde hair tied back in a bun and works as a serving girl at The Dancing Faun. She puts on a face for work to hide her guilt, which flares up whenever she notices a pitying look from somebody remembering Raphael or the villa incident. Since the haunting was resolved she has had a slightly improved outlook on life. Determined to keep the past behind her, she secretly is glad there is no Reen to go back to and looks forward to her new life in Mythshire.


Piper Ragland - Alchemist (Journeyman)

County of Mythshire
The county of Mythshire during the events of Echoes of Sardior.
Founding Date
3A. 389
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization
Related Tradition (Primary)
Related Traditions
Characters in Location


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