Dim Forest Geographic Location in Firefall's Greyhawk | World Anvil

Dim Forest

The Dim Forest is located between the Grand Duchy of Geoff, Gran March and the Valley of the Mage. The Gran March claims the eastern portion of the forest as its own, while the March of Bissel claims the northeastern portion.  


Both the Javan River and the Realstream River flow through the Dim Forest, and the Rushmoors border the forest on the southeast. Two arms of the Barrier Peaks border this forest on the north and northwest and between these two arms can be found the entrance to the Valley of the Mage.  

Flora and Fauna

The trees in this forest are old and huge and are so broad and leafy that the ground beneath the trees is dim even on the sunniest of days.  


Elves are said to dwell in the portion of this forest which is west of the Javan River. But non-human and evil creatures dwell in the other portions of the forest. These include tenebrous worms and slow shadows.   The Geoff city of Hochoch is located on the southern edges of the Dim Forest, between the Dim and the Oytwood Forests. Features and settlements  

Features and Settlements

As of 591 CY, the Gran March is attempting to build a road through the Dim Forest, but is experiencing difficulties with evil humanoid natives living there.


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