Rushmoors Geographic Location in Firefall's Greyhawk | World Anvil


The Rushmoors are wetlands which mark the northern border of the Kingdom of Keoland.  


The Rushmoors were the heart of the Occluded Empire of Vecna, until its abrupt fall circa -358 CY. Vecna's Rotted Tower once stood here. There are rumours of untold artifacts of great power still lying in its half-flooded chambers.  


In the western portion of the Rushmoors, farmers can be found farming the tall, thick grasses and draining the wetlands to create more farmland.  

Flora and Fauna

The moors are home to many creatures, otyughs, froghemoths and various types of large reptiles. Undead servitors of Vecna and monsterous aberrations, the results of his dire experiments, still roam amongst the carrs.  


Lizardfolk and wandering bands of orcs roam the edges of the Rushmoors, while human farmers inhabit the western portion.  

Features and Settlements

The Gran March city of Shiboleth is situated just east of the Rushmoors, along the Sheldomar River, which skirts the southern boundary of the moors.   The village of Orlane lies near its north-western edge, between the Rushmoors and Dim Forest.   The Temple of the Reptile God, one of the submerged remnants of Vecna's empire recently served as a lair of the naga that called itself the Reptile God. After the temple was sacked by adventurers the black dragon Kharlixes took over the complex.


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