Monmurg Settlement in Firefall's Greyhawk | World Anvil


Monmurg is the capital city of the Hold of the Sea Princes, situated along the southwestern coast. Known for its grand architecture and impressive fortifications, Monmurg serves as the political and economic heart of the region. The city’s harbor is one of the largest in the Hold, capable of accommodating a wide variety of vessels, from merchant ships to the warships of the Sea Princes’ navy.   Monmurg is a city of contrasts, where opulence and squalor exist side by side. The city's culture is heavily influenced by its maritime heritage and the diverse backgrounds of its inhabitants. The grand estates of the Sea Princes stand in stark contrast to the crowded, bustling neighborhoods where sailors and commoners live. Public festivals, naval parades, and elaborate feasts are common, showcasing the wealth and power of the ruling class while also serving as a means of maintaining public morale and cohesion.


As the capital, Monmurg is governed by the High Prince, the leading figure among the Sea Princes. This position is typically held by the most powerful and influential prince, whose authority extends over the entire Hold. The city is also home to the council of Sea Princes, where decisions affecting the region are debated and made. The social structure in Monmurg is sharply divided, with the Sea Princes and wealthy merchants at the top, followed by a middle class of skilled tradespeople, and a large population of laborers and enslaved individuals at the bottom.

Industry & Trade

Monmurg’s economy, while diverse, is somewhat hindered by the Sea Princes’ ostracization from much of the world. The city’s markets still bustle with activity, but the goods available are often procured through piracy, smuggling, and black-market deals rather than through legitimate trade routes. Despite these challenges, Monmurg remains a crucial trade hub within the Hold, with merchants and traders dealing in everything from spices and silks to weapons and contraband.


Monmurg has a rich and complex history. Originally a small coastal settlement, it grew in importance as the Sea Princes established their dominion over the region. The city’s strategic location made it an ideal capital, both for defense and for controlling maritime trade routes. Over the centuries, Monmurg has been the site of numerous battles and power struggles, both within the Hold and against external enemies.   The influence of the Obsidian Confederacy has been a significant factor in Monmurg's history. This secretive and manipulative organization has often played a role behind the scenes, influencing the politics of the Sea Princes and sowing discord to maintain their own power. Their presence has brought both prosperity and conflict to the city, as they have been known to support various factions and engage in covert activities.   Despite the economic and political challenges posed by the Sea Princes' ostracization from the broader world, Monmurg remains a vital and resilient city. Its people are resourceful and tenacious, adapting to the ever-changing circumstances of life in the Hold.
Hold of the Sea Princes Coat of Arms
The High Prince of the Sea Princes and Monmurg, The Royal Exalted Admiral, Prince Sinjin Tras (aka the Silver Prince)   Government
Chaotic - Totalitarianism   Established
-57 CY   Resources
Grain, Foodstuffs, Slaves   Currency
Highlord (pp), Gold Admiral (gp), Bright Ship (sp), Common (cp)   Population
15,000   Demography
Human 79%, Halfling 8%, Elf 4%, Dwarf 3%, Gnome 2%, Half-elf 1%, Half-orc 1%, Other 2%   Languages
Common, Olman, Amedi, Keolandish, Halfling   Alignments
CN, CE, N, NE, LE   Religions
Osprem, Xerbo, Procan, Norebo, Green Man, Kelanen, Kurell (native Holders Syrul, Bralm, Tharizdun; Olman pantheon, especially Chitza-Atlan (Olman)   Allies
Obsidian Confederacy   Enemies
Amedio Jungle natives, Keoland, Yeomanry (minor)

Cover image: by Darlene


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