Port Toli Settlement in Firefall's Greyhawk | World Anvil

Port Toli

Port Toli is a secondary port city located on the southeastern coast of the Hold of the Sea Princes. While not as prominent or bustling as some of the other ports in the region, Port Toli serves as a vital node for local trade and maritime activities. The city is built around a natural harbor, providing safe anchorage for smaller vessels and an array of merchant and pirate ships.   The economy of Port Toli is a mix of legitimate trade and illicit activities. The Sea Princes’ ostracization from much of the world has hampered the city’s ability to engage in widespread, lawful commerce. As a result, smuggling, piracy, and black-market dealings form a significant portion of its economic activities. Local markets, though less grand than those in larger ports, offer a variety of goods—both common and rare—sourced through questionable means.   Despite its economic struggles, Port Toli is a vibrant and lively place. The city's culture is a blend of seafaring traditions and the diverse influences of those who pass through its ports. Taverns and inns are the heart of social life, where stories of high seas adventures are traded alongside goods. Public festivals and events, often sponsored by competing factions, provide entertainment and a sense of normalcy amidst the underlying tensions.


Port Toli was one of the first settlements founded in the midst of the Great Migrations. House Toli, a minor Suel house, began their flight from the Suel Imperium before the Twin Cataclysms, when they were on the verge of being wiped out in a conflict with another noble house. They grew Port Toli over the years, beginning as a modest fishing village, gradually expanding under the careful eye of House Toli, while negotiating the tumultuous politics of the Sea Princes and eventually the Obsidian Confederacy. Although styled a prince by the other Sea Princes, House Toli has continued to take the title of Baron. Baron Toli was one of only three nobles to avoid assassination by the Obsidian Confederacy. The heads of the would-be assassins were delivered to the Confederate Council, as an abject message to not cross House Toli. While Port Toli is still considered part of the Hold of the Sea Princes and a part of the Obsidian Confederacy, both are careful not to overstep in Port Toli.
Port Toli
Toli Coat of Arms
Baron Enid Toli   Government
Hereditary Barony   Established
-440 CY   Resources
Grain, Foodstuffs, Slaves, Silver   Currency
Highlord (pp), Gold Admiral (gp), Bright Ship (sp), Common (cp)   Population
11,000   Demography
Human 79%, Halfling 8%, Elf 4%, Dwarf 3%, Gnome 2%, Half-elf 1%, Half-orc 1%, Other 2%   Languages
Common, Olman, Amedi, Keolandish, Halfling   Alignments
CN, CE, N, NE, LE   Religions
Osprem, Xerbo, Procan, Norebo, Green Man, Kelanen, Kurell (native Holders Syrul, Bralm, Tharizdun; Olman pantheon, especially Chitza-Atlan (Olman)   Allies
Obsidian Confederacy   Enemies
Amedio Jungle natives, Keoland, Yeomanry (minor)

Cover image: by Darlene


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