Sornhill Settlement in Firefall's Greyhawk | World Anvil


Sornhill is a thriving port city in the north of Onnwal. Its docks are busy with ships from across the Flanaess, bringing in needed trade goods and leaving with grain from the farms in the northern area of the country. Sornhill, as one of Onnwal's significant port cities, has played a crucial role in it's economic, political, and social life. The city is also home to a squadron of the Iron League's navy, which continues to war against the privateers of the Obsidian Confederacy.


Sornhill was founded in -350 CY by Suel settlers who fled the destruction of the Rain of Colorless Fire. These settlers recognized the strategic importance of the natural harbor and established a fortified settlement to protect against pirates and other threats. The port quickly grew as a center of trade, attracting merchants and craftsmen from various parts of the Flanaess.   Throughout the centuries, Sornhill expanded into a bustling port city. The port's prosperity was further boosted by its strategic location along major trade routes. Sornhill became a key point for goods traveling between the Azure Sea and the inland regions of the Flanaess. The city's merchants formed powerful guilds that controlled much of the trade and exerted significant influence over Onnwal's politics.   Sornhill's fortunes took a dark turn during the Greyhawk Wars. Onnwal was invaded and occupied by forces loyal to the Obsidian Confederacy, a secretive and sinister organization with designs on controlling the Flanaess. Sornhill, like much of Onnwal, fell under their harsh rule. The port city's economy suffered as trade routes were disrupted and many of its citizens were subjected to harsh treatment and forced labor.   After a period of occupation, the people of Onnwal, with aid from their allies, managed to liberate much of their land. Sornhill was freed, but the scars of occupation were deep. The city's infrastructure had been damaged, and its population had been greatly reduced.   Reconstruction efforts began in earnest, with a focus on rebuilding the port and revitalizing trade. The people of Sornhill showed remarkable resilience, and within a few years, the city began to recover its former glory. The port was modernized, and new defensive structures were erected to prevent future invasions. The Baroness, Lady Zolax, who is a high elf, insisted that all rebuilt buildings have a decidely elven flair, resulting in a city that looks somewhat out of place in a primarily agricultural cantred.
Sornhill Coat of Arms
Baron Emil Zolax   Government
Hereditary barony, ruling the city and cantred of Sornhill. The baron is advised by a city council, consisting of guild representatives.   Established
-350 CY   Resources
Foodstuffs (primarily grain), stone, wood, silver.   Currency
Sea Eagle (pp), Gull (gp), Wader (ep), Goose (sp), Duck (cp)   Population
6,500   Demography
Human 79%, Dwarf 9% (hill), Gnome 5%, Halfling 3%, Elf 2%, Other 2%   Languages
Common, Dwarven, Gnomish   Alignments
LG, LN, N, CG, CN   Religions
Osprem, Zilchus, Procan, Norebo, Xerbo, Jascar, Fortubo   Allies
Irongate, Sunndi, Nyrond, Duchy of Urnst, Greyhawk   Enemies
Obsidian Confederacy, Lordship of the Isles, Pomarj, Ahlissa

Cover image: by Darlene


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