Feldenvale Settlement in First campaign | World Anvil
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Feldenvale is a longstanding settlement built around an ancient Pretoric shrine to Pelor. It is a natural trade hub for the fertile farms of the Cragvalley. It is the second most populated city in Lotharingen, behind Hague, with the largest area. This sprawling city of sunlight has been blessed with bountiful harvests and warm sun.


Feldenvale housed many humans and halflings, but accepts all races within its borders. The peaceful prosperity of the city has attracted many unfortunate people looking for a second chance


Feldenvale is a county within the Duchy of Lotharingen. The city projects power over the western hills of the Cragvalley. The city is always lit by the Dawnfather's Beacon, giving criminals little chance even at night. The inner city has a set of decrepit walls


Feldenvale is built on a hilltop in the Cragvalley housing a holy site of Pelor. From there, it sprawls out towards the river. It processes and distributes crops and livestock throughout Northern Valia through the Via Agra and the Feldenvale Docks. The city is dotted with windmills, watermills along the river.


Red Wing Tavern Vagabond's Fortune: Reveler's Terrace General Store   Rolling Hill Hearth

Magical Items

Arcanists supply: Suntop   Wand Note taking Quill. Wand of the war mage Wizard paper Poisons Potions Vagabond's fortune
  • snake belt
  • Shield of expression +1 shield: calm emotions 1/day
  • Pearl of Power
  • Red Wing fence - +1 shortsword
  • diamond
  • - Dagger wand   Corston Candlecorn Clockworks
  • pocket watch
  • compass
  • hidden blade butterfly knife
  • Red Wing poisoner
  • charm
  • frighten
  • paralysis
  • petrified
  • sleep
  • Guilds and Factions

    Red Wings

    Jasmine Falconer

    Canis Guard

    Order of the Beacon


    Sir Loyne Countess Isolda


    Farmers + Merchants + Artisans    

    People Percy Knows:

    Ivory Watch Contact: Julius Derrig Brekker
  • Owner of Rolling Hill Hearth
  • Falconer Barrow Harry Hancox
  • Percy helped him with an infestation of
  • Architecture

    1. Dawnfather's Beacon
    2. Order of the Beaconwatchers
    3. Felden Keep
    4. Baron Park
    5. City hall
    6. City barracks
    7. Sanctuary Terrace
    8. Sanctuary of Melora
    9. Necropolis
    10. Scholar's Terrace
    11. Library
    12. Feldenvale University
    13. High Terrace
    14. Reveler's Terrace
    15. Bathhouse
    16. Middle Terrace
    17. Lower Terrace
    18. Guildmaster's Park
    19. Thespian's Terrace
    20. Ascella Amphitheater
    21. Olympian's park
    22. Market square
    23. Temple of Avandra
    24. Stock hall
    25. Ivory Watch
    26. Templar's Rest
    27. Guard House
    28. Prison
    29. Temple of St. Trinian
    30. Lighthouse
    31. Dock house
    32. Miller house
    33. Temple of the Allhammer
    34. Stables
    35. Bridge guard
    Tone: Peaceful, prosperous, vibrant. Many children and animals run freely in the city streets
    Large city
    Inhabitant Demonym
    Location under
    Ruling/Owning Rank
    Owning Organization
    Characters in Location

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