Feldenvale University Building / Landmark in First campaign | World Anvil
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Feldenvale University

The Feldenvale University is one of the few universities in Valia, together with the Hague University, House of Enchantment, Marphyt University and Scholar's Aerie. It focuses on the temporal education of Feldenvale's upperclass residents in commerce, mathematics, theology, law, natural sciences and theoretical magics. It also provides a preparatory program for application to the Scholar's Aerie  


Entrance Hall

Grand hall with student and visitor booths and study rooms. Large altar to Ioun, godess of knowledge hanging from the ceiling. Access to main desk and campus grounds

Campus Grounds

A well maintained garden dotted with benches and fountains, surrounded by student amenities. Access to halls of knowledge and University archives

Hall of Agriculture

Hall of Commerce

Hall of Law

Hall of Mathematics

Hall of Sciences

Hall of Arcana

University Archive



Headmaster - Rosthilda Engels
Master of Commerce - 
Master of Mathematics - 
Master of Agriculture - 
Master of Law - 
Master of Natural Sciences - 
Master of Theoretical Arcana - 
Master Arcanist - Zoren Dyleth 
University Archivist - Lyra Brennato
Middle aged rock gnome, large goggles, hair pulled up in messed bun held up with pencils. Recent hire (Slight irish, high, slightly panicked) Secretary of Affairs - Toya Rustmane
Tanned hill dwarf, greying red hair tied up in a knot. (Slight scottish, mid, aloof)
University / Educational complex
Parent Location

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