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Garden Mansion of Ä+*4~

Where is it?

Something has already been said about the Two Gardens of Å+*4~. They're located just outside of the Central Disctrict and its neighboring rich area. These are considered to be the largest botanical garden in this part of the world, and one of the largest gardens in the world in general. It so big that it doesn't only house the largest amount of flowers, trees, meadows, forests and other plants, but it also houses the most popular (and most expensive) vacation and mental health resort.

About the mansion

We already talked about the history of the garden and the mansion in the article linked above, so we won't repeat that here, but rather focus on the mansion itself. As said, the garden and the mansion were found again only a few decades ago, and since then people got to work. They renovated the gardens, replanted the plants, and most importantly, renovated the mansion itself.

This is quite a big and spacious mansion located in the middle of this large garden, far away from the big cities and civilization in general. As such, it was clear pretty soon that this mansion was to be put to good use. You see, as this area is known to be the one with the bigest and most densely populated areas, life here can be a bit much sometimes. Sure, there are parks and all that all over the place, but there isn't really a good place to really get away form everthing and just relax. Or, at least there wasn't until this mansion was rebuilt.

So, the mansion was built with the purpose of becoming this save haven for people to move away from the stress of daily life and spend some time in the peacful nature, with nothing but acres of gardens all around. Altough the mansion has no specific rules on who may come and will welcome everyone (for a hefty price, that is), it became accepted over time that it serves more as a mental health resort. No, here you won't find families with noisy kids running around, but rather more people coming here alone or with their BFF or a spouse at most, to just chill and meditate in the garden.


So, what exactly does happen here then? Though this place prides itself on peace and quite, quite a lot happens here actually. The first floor is entirely dedicated to spacious rooms, each used for different activities. These tend to be relaxing activities, such as yoga or guited meditations, art, reading, board games and the outside has a pool and small gardens that the visitors can tend to if they wish. Yoga, guided meditation, art classes and such are organized throughout the day, but visitors are more than welcome to do any of the activities and time they like

It might look big on the outside, but the resort actually only has 9 bedrooms, so all the activities can easily be planned around everyone's wishes and needs. Well, most of the time at least, if you're the one who wants to have a guited meditation in the moring but the other 8 people want it in the evening then that's just tough luck, it's how life works sometimes, o well. But we're not here to get hung up on technical details like this, we're here to find peace and happines out in the nature. And that means that the visitors of the resors are always also free to leave the premises and wander around the parks and gardens, go for a jog or a picnic, or just come out to read a book and meditate even more in nature.

Cover image: The Mansion


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