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Two Gardens of Å+*4~

Dry Ocean Region is well known all across the world for many things. It’s mostly known for its capital - Central District with some of the wealthiest neighborhoods. Much could, and has already been said about this capital of culture, fashion and entertainment, but not far away from it there is another location, almost as iconic as Central District itself. Just out of town below the North-South Hills of atlds there is the largest botanical garden in this area.

The Gardens and their history

The gardens full of different flowers and trees spans for acres and is home to nearly any and every type of flower and tree that can be found in the world. It has everything from tulips, roses, star flowers, fruit trees, herbs, even crop plants and yes, also the dead trees, death flowers and many of the weed plants of tgohab.

This garden was started long ago, in the year 2006, just around the time people came to this area. Finally, they have reached a more favorable region with more fertile land and decided to start growing this botanical garden to start bringing new life into the world that was still mainly uninhabited and empty.

At the start, the garden had more extensive orchards and fields that were needed to provide food for the people living here. It was then, right at the beginning, that they also built the central mansion where the family taking care of the farms lives, and another, smaller greenhouse for flowers and herbs.

As the time went on, they started planting more and more different flowers and trees, and less fields and orchards. While many have moved away, either to Central Districts or to new agricultural settlements, this mansion and its garden stood here as a sign of praise to Glitter God, who created all of these plants and let the people get a new chance at life in this new land.

A family continued to live here in the mansion for generations and took care of gardens, until they one day left. This was now a very long time ago, and no one knows exactly why or where they went, but they left the mansion abandoned for years. People living outside of the garden still took care of it though. By now the garden has grown pretty big, and each part of it was taken care of by a different family living in the surrounding cities. It has stayed that way until present day, and it is why you’ll find the garden separated in a few parts that are different from each other.

But with the garden growing as big as it is today, the mansion would have been too deep in the garden for anyone to really go there anymore, and it soon became only a distant memory.

The man and the woman of the garden

Though the mansion and the greenhouse started slipping out of people’s memory, they still knew they exist somewhere in there, deep in the garden. Due to the garden’s size, no one was really able to properly locate them for years, and soon they became more a thing of legend than something people could know for sure was real. Because of this, people started coming up with many stories of where this mansion could be and what could be going on there.

The most popular tale was the one of the man and the woman living there. Depending on the version of the story, they were the two members of the last family who lived there that never left, their spirits who stayed there after they died, or even two completely magical beings that were sent there by Glitter God to take care of the gardens. As the story goes, each takes care of one part of the garden. The woman takes care of all the flowers and trees, and the man takes care of the plants in the greenhouse. The woman’s garden is lush and full of life, while in the man’s greenhouse only the dead flowers and weeds from tgohab grow. It is said that the woman can bring back to life any dead plant, while the man can kill flowers by only touching them, and this way turning them into dead flowers. As such, they symbolize the duality of life, the contrast between atlds and tgohab, and between life and death itself. Nevertheless, all stories depict them as lovers, reminding us that life and death aren’t opposing forces, but rather two forces working together as one. All that is alive must die, and each death creates space for something new to come to life.

The two gardens today

These stories have been popular for decades since the mansion and the greenhouse became lost, but may have become even more popular in recent years when they were found again. They were found again about a two or three decades ago, in quite a poor state. As beautiful as the story of the man and the woman living here and taking care of the gardens is, there was really no one here, and the mansion and its garden were left in ruin. Of course, people couldn’t let this be and they soon started renovating the place and bringing it to its former glory. They replanted all the flowers and trees, but to stay true to the stories, they left the greenhouse overgrown with dead and dried out weeds.

As for the mansion itself, they rebuilt and renovated it into a vacation resort. Well, more of a mental health resort really. Its remote location here among acres and acres of nature and gardens offers a perfect spot to get away from your regular life and worries. Here you can stay for a while and focus on caring for yourself and your own wellbeing. The resort offers all sorts of activities, from calming yoga and meditation, to a variety of creative workshops, sports and gardening. The resort also has a team of mental health professionals and fairies that will help you on your journey to your mental and physical wellbeing.

Due to it long and interesting history, along with all of the stories and mystery surrounding the area, this is one of the most popular places to visit for anyone, and the mansion and its gardens remain one of the most recognizable and iconic landmarks of this part of the world.

Founding Date
Parent Location

The Mansion
The mansion is today rebuilt and repurposed as a mental health resort

Abandoned greenhouse
The greeenhouse remains abandoned and overgrown with dead flowers, to stay true to the lore of the story told about this place


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