Victorian Secret Settlement in Flat Earth | World Anvil
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Victorian Secret

Somewhere deep in the Wasteland of T@Ö#Ä3 there’s a quite peculiar settlement known as Victorian Secret. Why is it called that you ask? Well see, it’s because the inhabitants of this settlement want to keep it, and themselves as much of a secret from the rest of the world, and they have a strange obsession with the victorian era from even before the Apocalypse. Or something close to this at least.

Geographic Location

Victorian Secret is located on the far east end of T@Ö#Ä3, Just east of Graveyard and south of Haunted Forest. Only the river separates it from the Haunted forest, and that river is its main water source. It is only accessible by a single road leading from T@Ö#Ä3, around Graveyard. There is Ocean to the east, and you could technically access the settlement from there, but no one is sailing that far. The next nearest port would be in south east T@Ö#Ä3 and you’d have to sail aaalllll around the continent to get to Victorian Secret which makes no sense when there’s a perfectly good dirt road.


Haunted Forest, death flowers and Blackbirds. That’s pretty much all of the nature you’ll find here. Well ok, people here do also keep some domesticated animals, mainly Catbunnies and unicorns. And they do try to domesticate blackbirds, but that’s pretty hard to do. Probably like 5 lucky people in the whole town have them. But that’s besides the point.

The weather here is exceptionally dry and hot. Area does get some light from the golden sun most of the year, but the main sun here is the black sun. for about two months of the year this is the only visible sun here, lucky for people living here. The temperatures rarely get lower than 30°C, and can get up to 70°C in the hottest part of the year. These temperatures are brutal even by our world’s standards.


This town is pretty interesting. If you travel around our world you’ll see big cities with buildings, parks and roads that can take up a lot of space. But Victorian Secret is not like other towns. This is a very densely built town with narrow streets and almost no parks or other recreational areas. If you lived your whole life in something like a large farm in Fairy Gardens and you come here, you’d probably have a panic attack, but for people used to living here this is quite cozy. The whole town is surrounded by a wall and can only be entered through the main gate. This makes it look like it’s all part of the same building, and all people living here treat each other like they’re a part of the same family.

The architecture here is known for dark colors, spiky roofs, and very intricate details, it really feels like living in a gothic cathedral or something.

The town seems pretty small, but it has really tall buildings that can house a lot of people. It’s all just really kinda cramped. The extra bonus of the tall buildings (and presence of the black sun) is that the streets look really dark and gloomy, just the way the people living here like it.


People living here aren’t like other people. That’s because they aren’t mole people like the majority of the world, they are bat people. And not only that, the bat people living here are particularly strange. Their obsession with weird stuff basically starts with fixation on the ancient legends of vampires. Too bad for the bat people of Victorian Secret, they are NOT in fact vampire bats, but just regular fruit bats, but they don’t let that stop them. If they do have to let other people know they exist, they will do all to convince them that they are actually vampires. Some people wholeheartedly believe it, but some people aren’t even sure that the whole town of Victorian Secret exists at all. It is pretty far away from the rest of the world.

People living here are equally obsessed with all the strange and macabre stuff that often gets related to the ancient victorian era, which includes obsession with death. Of course, living so close to Haunted Forest and Graveyard leaves them no other choice.

Other than that, they are actually pretty wholesome and hard working people. They chop wood in Haunted Forest, take care of their animals, which include unicorns, catbunnies, black peacocks and black goatsheep (or geep for short), you know, the ones that have four horns and look like satan. They like to knit, sew, read, write, play board games, watch plays and similar wholesome activities.


There’s not much to find in this part of the world, but bat people manage to make the best of it either way. Living so close to Haunted Forest, and being the only group of people who dares to just wander in there and chop down trees, they are making a fortune on it. They produce wood and other things made of black wood and they make tree bark Leather - the one that is also used for BDSM Army’s uniforms. They also harvest death flowers nearby and sell them forward, but also use them themselves for Medicine, Drugs and Poisons. They get their eggs from the peacocks, and theis geep are producing black wool rarely found in other parts of the world. They make yarn and wool clothing that they sell to other parts of the world.

People of Victorian Secret are the only ones making many of these things, which means they are extremely rare, hard to get, and of course extremely valuable. Because of this, Victorian Secret is actually a pretty wealthy settlement, considering it’s hidden so deep in Wasteland and Cut off from the rest of the world.

Inhabitant Demonym
i stg it would ge hilarious if it would be Victor/Victoria
Owning Organization

This is what you're walking into here:


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