South Cuyania Timeline

Events concerning the people and nations of southern Cuyania, starting south of the central rainforest

  • 5841 BR


    Red Rot reaches Maran Republic
    Plague / Epidemic

    The disease crops up in a small village on the edge of the empire. The plague decimates the republic's urban centres

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    Red Rot
  • 825 BR

    30 /1

    Founding of the Valaran Empire

    A debate between scholars leads to the annexation of the rival university, and the first step to creating an empire.

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  • 543 BR

    Origin of Revisionist Adenism
    Religious event

    Ishara begins preaching Revisionist Adenism

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  • 529 BR

    Death of Ishara
    Life, Death

    Prophetess Ishara is put to death for heresy. Revisionist Adenism lives on.

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  • 416 BR

    17 /6

    Birth of Sova
    Life, Birth

    Sova is born in Teskoš

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  • 388 BR

    The Nonesuch sets out for the first time

    Captained by Kal Isazåzus, they set out to find a sea route to the Khanty Sea

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  • 388 BR

    2 /12

    Trapped in the ice
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Nonesuch is frozen in the ice and the expedition grinds to a halt.

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  • 386 BR

    24 /4

    Publishing of The Wanderers
    Artistic creation

    The Wanderers: The Common Past That Unites Us All is published after the voyage of The Nonesuch.

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  • 375 BR

    6 /2

    Second voyage of The Nonesuch

    The Nonesuch sets out once more to find a sea route to the Khanty Sea.

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  • 375 BR

    2 /5

    Discovery of the Tower staircase and Spirits
    Discovery, Exploration

    The first southerners arrive at the Towe of Origins, find the staircase, and sight a Spirit.

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  • 372 BR

    6 /7

    Publishing of Spirits
    Artistic creation

    Sova publishes Spirits: The Reality of a Metaphysical World, which begins her descent into academic ridicule.

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  • 370 BR

    15 /1

    Last voyage of The Nonesuch

    Sova and Kal embark on a voyage to the north to find the truth about Spirits.

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  • 370 BR

    18 /7

    Death of Sova
    Life, Death

    Sova is killed during her expedition to find Spiritrest. According to her husband, she was murdered by a Spirit for learning too much.

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  • 232 BR

    Pashel Hivazasus converts to Revisionist Adenism
    Religious event

    The new Imperial Rector of the Valaran Empire converts to Revisionist Adenism and makes it the state religion. Revisionist Adenism cements itself as a prominent international religion.

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  • 124 BR

    18 /3
    124 BR

    4 /5

    Exodus of the Kivans
    Population Migration / Travel

    Refusing to convert to the dominant religion, the Kivan people in the Valaran Empire migrate to the Forest of Stars

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  • 109 BR

    17 /10

    Lost Kingdom Expedition

    Anthropologist Shalov Yarolezåzus leads an expedition to find the legendary Lost Kingdom, setting out across the Rheic Ocean. The expedition is never heard from again.

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  • 0 BR

    16 /2

    The Fourth Reckoning
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    A world-rocking disaster. No one knows what caused it, but earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, and violent storms wracked the world. Every civilization was affected. After a solid month of disaster, the world finally calmed once more and the survivors were left to pick up the pieces.

  • 6 AR

    2 /6

    Death of Rector Kveto
    Life, Death

    The last Imperial Rector of the Valaran Empire is killed.

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  • 6 AR

    12 /6

    Fall of the Valaran Empire

    The capital is overrun, the emperor killed, and any semblance of unity is lost.

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  • 7 AR

    2 /4

    Establishment of Free Valara

    The Board of Directors takes over in the chaos and establishes the Free Valara city state

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  • 183 AR

    9 /5
    185 AR

    3 /7

    First Valaran Revolution
    Military action

    Free Valara is overthrown and a new republic is put in its place after about a year of fighting.

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  • 185 AR

    17 /7

    Establishment of Glåya Repulic

    The new government takes control after the revolution

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  • 245 AR

    22 /5
    266 AR

    11 /9

    Second Valaran Revolution
    Military action

    Valara endures 22 years of anarchy and violence in a lengthy revolution.

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  • 266 AR

    17 /9

    Academy City

    The leaders of the winning faction of the revolution take control of the city and name it.

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  • 427 AR

    12 /8
    428 AR

    18 /6

    Third Valaran Revolution
    Military action

    The city state is once again embroiled in a revolution.

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