
Hierophany is the Playful Orders' holy city, where play and relaxation are sacred. The city was built to facilitate all five deities' favored styles. Pilgrims--especially Vault Hunters--come from across Flimflam to prove their dedication or simply partake in the fun.   Ars, the "demon city," is Hierophany's spiritual and economic rival. The two cities regularly rank as the top destinations for tourists from across Flimflam, which has incited more friction between Demonic spirits and the Playful Orders than doctrine would suggest.


Hierophany is a theocracy. The Chief Hierophants rule the city as a council of five, led by the most recent winner of The Wonder. In practical terms, this has meant that Hierophany's local orders have positions found nowhere else, such as Hierogrammat of Sewage Operations. Hierogrammats take on much of the day-to-day bureaucratic labor, as they are all literate, under the supervision of Hierophants. Initiates are divided up between the Hierogrammats to act as their functionaries (particularly if they are literate) as well, notably, as the city's police force.


It is perhaps easiest to understand Hierophany's infrastructure by considering which deity it is dedicated to:   Ilinx Vertigo Falls are the most sacred location for the andrenaline-driven Order of Ilinx. It is perhaps the only waterfall in the world where people go over the edge as often as water does. There are facilities set up for barrel-riding, bungee-jumping, and even air-sailing off over the city. The Order's detractors suggest that they should also have primary charge over Hierophany's cemetaries, as none of these activities are without risk.   Agon  The Order of Agon preaches the value of practice, skill, and victory. They have charge of Hierophany's many schools, where you can receive an excellent primary and secondary education. There are also more specialized schools, particularly for the various martial arts and sports of Flimflam.   Alea  As you might expect, the Order of Alea runs casinos. These casinos are extremely popular, as they are known to run games that are even in odds rather than exclusively those that favor the house. The Order makes up the difference in donations from happy high-rollers, which suggests some interesting things about the rest of Flimflam's gambling house philosophies.   Huri  Hierophany's many theaters, concert halls, and arts galleries are the province of the Order of Huri. They run the only schools not associated with Agon, but they focus only on the performing arts. The Order's detractors suggest that they are secretly behind the city's law firms as well, as devotees of illusion and simulation. So far, the Order has made no comment.   Meisou  The Order of Meisou maintains perhaps the most vital infrastructure for Hierophany's large tourist population--its hotels and inns. These range from basic accommodation to luxurious spas that rival those found in Ars even though Hierophany has no natural hot springs. They also traditionally oversee Hierophany's many restaurants, coffee houses, and tea shops. Visitors are advised to be cautious of the distinction between "formal" Meisouan establishments and "informal" ones, as formal establishments practice strict ceremonies designed to promote reflection, calm, and gratitude for the pleasures of life rather than just letting you get on with eating, sleeping, or drinking.


Unlike most cities in Flimflam, Hierophany was built all at once, in the modern era, and according to a plan. Hierophany's architects made (perhaps) gratuitous use of the new materials flowing out of Vaults, particularly opalescent pearline, load-bearing glass, and glossy black vault stone derivatives. Its buildings are tall, with bold geometric patterns inlaid into more traditional shapes in an Art Deco style.


Hierophany was constructed with the Vertigo Falls at its heart and the Vouristos River running through the city. The city built both atop the cliffs and on the land at their base, ferrying goods and people in-between with chairlifts. On a clear day, you can see both the densely wooded mountains stabbing the sky and the ocean stretching out into the horizon, both popular spots for day-trips out of the city.
Inhabitant Demonym
Hierians, Fannies (derogatory)
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization
Related Tradition (Primary)

Cover image: by ButNoCigar


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