AID Anomaly Archive

Anomaly Entries
  • 1-10
  • 11-20
  • Anomalies 1-10

    01. Book of Fictional Escape

    Detainment Class: Pliant

    Description: This tome, written by a “K. Travisian,” opens with:

    Please do not read this. These pages are my own personal escape.
    — Introduction

    The next page is about how much strife the author had gone through: a loss of a few family members from an outbreak, being drafted and enduring the horrors of war, the pain of unrequited love, and more.

    To an outsider, when reading the book, they see that the person is simply gone. The book simply stays where it remains. Once the reader sets “the book down”, they reappear. As the reader progresses, they are taken to K. Travisian’s fantasies. The initial one is strangely similar to the City of Regalia from the Florenelle.

    Detainment: Anomaly 01 is kept in a safe with Dr. ██████ and is only brought out for research and testing.

    02. Butt Munch (Erratic)

    Detainment Class: Erratic

    Description:This is a carnalid that is shaped akin to a cabbage with stubby arms and legs. It splits halfway open to reveal rows of small, pointed teeth. It has a tag on it called “Butt Munch” when it was found in a lost warehouse in ██████, Dover. Anomaly 02 has a resilient stomach and can digest any organic matter, including bone and hair.

    Detainment: 02 is to be secure in a standard observation room. All Institute staff are encouraged to feed any unwanted organic waste to Anomaly 02.

    03. Mirror of Opposite Reflection

    Detainment Class: Pliant

    Description: When someone peers into this mirror, they will see an opposite reflection of themselves standing next to their main reflection. While the mirror is in view, both the viewer and opposite can interact with the other. Depending on demeanor, the opposite can be aggressive and attempt to kill the viewer.

    The viewer can be killed or their opposite. Should the opposite be killed and the viewer attempts to look into the mirror, they will feel their personality shift. So long as a drape is over the mirror, there is no threat of harm.

    Detainment: Anomaly 03 is to be kept in the vaults and a cloth is to be draped over it at all times. Only when under testing and research can the cloth be removed.

    04. Family Portrait

    Detainment Class: Erratic

    Description: This is an 11 x 10 inch wooden picture frame with a blank canvas in the center. When hung up on a wall or placed on a surface against a wall (like a dresser), the picture takes on an image of an occupant’s family member. Eventually, 04-1 emerges as a physical version and has no memory of who they are mimicking but they insist they are family regardless. The more 04-1 is told they aren’t family or don’t do any activities with their chosen “family member”, it becomes agitated and violent.

    Detainment: Anomaly 04 is to be kept in a safe in one of the vaults to ensure 04-1 does not manifest by accident. Any staff who neglect returning 04 back in its vault after researching it are to be reprimanded.

    05. Forgetting Scholar

    Detainment Class: Volatile

    Description:Found in a weakened and anemic state, 040 appears to be one of Kordgelle’s archivists. However, it is hellbent on causing people to forget things and render them in a catatonic state. In a weakened state, it can only affect short term memory.

    Detainment: Anomaly 05 is to be restrained and put in a stasis to ensure it does not utilize its ability to cause others to forget. Should there be a detainment breach, personnel trained in sightless fighting are to be immediately dispatched and place Anomaly 05 under detainment as a team.

    06. Heart of the Storm

    Detainment Class: Volatile

    Description: This anomaly is detained at the ██████████ ruins. Anomaly 06 is a male cael covered with Null-affected lesions and are likely the source of its chronic fatigue sapping energy from him.

    Detainment: So long as care and warmth is provided, there is no risk of a breach. A breach event is likely to occur if consistent care is not provided. Anomaly 06 will then feel an immense internal pain before a violent and turbulent storm forms that can reach up to a 5 mile radius. Chunks of debris and lightning are the main dangers but Null and Fell creatures can be uncommonly encountered. Ending the storm requires reaching the very center and pulling 06 aside, providing intensive warmth and care. The storm should then dissipate within an hour.

    07. Restorative Mannequin

    Detainment Class: Pliant Erratic

    Addendum: Because of the anomaly's recent behavior, tighter detainment protocols are needed after 07 broke detainment to hunt down and provide care to ██████ ███████ when other personnel mentioned he had an injury when testing on Anomaly 04.

    Description: Anomaly 07 is a feminine modeling mannequin recovered from a clothing store in ███████, Miral. When alone in a room of healthy occupants, 07 is in its default state which is stationary. It enters an active state when it is aware of an occupant of anyone with significant injury such as a missing arm or even organ, or a mannequin missing key limbs. For mannequins, wooden limbs and even heads are replaced or are given if none are there. 07 does become violent if there are attempts to stop it.

    For living "patients" any appendages are replaced with wooden prosthesis. Damaged soft organs are replaced with stuffed cloth organs instead. Patients that have been treated have an 80% survival rating. For headless patients, they become an instance of 07-1 with a wooden head and follow the command of Anomaly 07 and act akin to nurses.

    Detainment: Anomaly 07 is to be kept within a silent observation room and any instances of 07-1 are to be terminated. Any testing or treatment from 07 is to be approved with Dr. ████████.

    08. Toy Soldier Empire

    Detainment Class: Erratic

    Description: Within a small toy store in ██████, Kern, toy soldiers have come to life and took over the store. An ultimatum has been made that their "empire" wouldn't be destroyed so long as they would be put under detainment by the Institute. Only toy soldiers manufactored within their "barracks" become animated, becoming the many instances of 08-1. 08-1 resemble basic wooden Kern toy soldiers only half a foot tall and have average intelligence. Painting uniforms different colors have resulted in fighting breaking out.

    Providing any wooden material will mean squads of 08-1 will haul it to a barracks to produce more soldiers and equipment. Firearms and any other weaponry can cause harm to standard people but would require a concentrated effort from 08-1 soldiers.

    Detainment: Anomaly 08 is stationed in a massive 50 x 50-foot observation chamber. Any request for additional paints can be freely granted by any researchers or personnel so long as they are currently in use. Any new paint colors requires researcher approval. Any requests for additional wood should be limited to about 20 pounds worth of lumber per month and requires researcher oversight. Any staff are not to engage in any infighting that occurs with the toy soldiers and to simply keep them under observation. If action stagnates, then it is encouraged to stir interactions again.

    In the advent of a breach, any 08-1 instance found outside of detainment may be freely terminated.

    09. To be Declassified

    10. To be Declassified

    Anomalies 11-20

    11. To be Declassified

    12. To be Declassified

    13. To be Declassified

    14. To be Declassified

    15. To be Declassified

    16. Miss Mildred's Amusement Park

    Detainment Class: Erratic

    Description: Within the western area of Doven, in the ██████ Province, there is an amusement park in disrepair. This anomaly is, "Miss Mildred's Amusement Park." The amusement park as a whole is sprawled across 400 acres. It is divided between four main parks: "Honeyworth", being a forest with bees and bears, "Fizzletop" being a place of meadows and rivers made of artificially flavored drinks, "Doughmont Quarter" being themed around cafes and pastry shops, "Cocoa Coast" is a tropical-themed area where chocolate rivers flow and coffee is served. Connecting them all in the center is the "Sugar Factory" park, which no entry is possible until the final phase is reached.

    The theme park will be in stasis on initial entry and will be seemingly abandoned so long as no outsider is present. Once a subject has gone further into the park, that is when the entire park then enters an active state, slowly increasing until reaching full intensity between documented phases.

    Phase 1. The park is in stasis. Instances of 16-1 roam aimlessly and are few. These are various mascots of each separate park. They are depicted as bears, bees, cafe workers, parrots, and squirrels. If dismembered, they are found to be made of viscous jelly that smells rotten and decayed. Anomaly 16-1 is sentient at most in this phase. All food is fully rotten and any rides are hazardous to even attempt riding.

    Phase 2. Once a subject enters further into the park, phase 2 begins. Anomaly 16-1 instances are vocal and will try to allure "guests" to the various parks to enjoy rides and dining. The food is reported to be stale or slightly past expiration but still edible. The rides are rusty but won't breakdown. The park noticeably becomes less rusted and worn down.

    Phase 3. As the subject visits each park, Anomaly 16-2 instances begin appearing, one for each park. They are spectral young women who seemingly take command over 16-1 Anomalies. They become agitated if questioned and quickly become hostile with any attempts to leave the amusement park as a whole. They too insist that visitors enjoy what the other parks have to offer.

    Phase 4. After all parks have been visited, Phase 4 begins. The doors to the Sugar Factory are opened. There, Anomaly 16-3 reveals herself, a half-rotten spectral corpse who claims to be Mildred, owner of the Amusement Park. She offers visitors permanent stay in her park and those who seek to leave will be punished. 16-1 Anomalies will secure the park to allow more visitors but will try their utmost to keep guests within it. The park also appears fresh and revitalized without any sign of rust or abandonment. Also during this time, 16-1 Anomalies will also try to break containment to kidnap more victims to be guests.

    Returning to Phase 1 requires terminating Anomaly 16-3 or extracting all guests from the park.

    Detainment: A perimeter is to be setup surrounding the park and ensure no one is allowed inside. Any sign of Anomaly 16 increasing in phases are to be investigated immediately. The team behind the park must also decide to extract or terminate any guests that have gone inside with or without approval. A detainment breach is declared if any anomaly instance is found outside of the park.

    Florenic Discord


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