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The God of the River, represents the currents that a persons life takes. Those who go on journeys pray to Nireus for safe travels, while those who enter adulthood pray to Nireus for guidance on their journey ahead.   Those who follow Nireus believe that the journey is more important than the destination, and that the best thing you can do is keep moving forward, and that not taking advantage of what you can see before you is an insult to him.

Divine Domains

The River

Holy Books & Codes

"The Journey of Calistan" - Legoward Nagicwrun

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A boat, a river, a horse, a ladder, a trident.

Tenets of Faith

That all should take advantage of the journey before us.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

To spread the belief that the journey is part of our life, the hard and easy parts.
Divine Classification
Minor God


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