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The Gelasians are masters of the swamp, having tamed the various animals that have lived there, studied the dangerous plants and fought tooth and nail to tame the land they call home. Now, the very lands that they had once struggled to tame is their greatest defense, massive spans of difficult terrain, methods of hunting that only Gelasians know and the many toxic plants.   Unlike other lands, it's uncommon to find smaller settlements, the lands too hostile for such things, instead they congregate to large cities where numbers mean protection. There they form smaller satellite towns close to these larger ones, so that in times of need they may be quick to gain their protection.


Taking notes from their northern neighbors, Gelasia follows a similar structure to Irasia, having a king who rules over those under him. However unlike Irasia who has each of it's minor lords control an area, these lords control a singular city and it's various close satellite villages.

Public Agenda

To reclaim the farm lands that rightfully belong to Gelasia from @Irasia.


While Gelasia is an inhospitable land, the Gelsaians have become well versed in taming it, using the rough terrain, various dangerous animals and plant life to their advantage,


Having originally split from Irasia, Gelasia has had a few internal conflicts during times of peace to try and overthrow the throne, and while it's rulers have changed surnames over the years, Gelasia has always held a singular sense of nationality.

Demography and Population

While a majority of the population is human, over time more and more swamp inhabitants have joined the Gelasians as subjects, the most notable of which are the frog people that had first called these lands home. While in the past the two people were enemies, they work together towards a singular goal of erradicating the Irasian people.


The Gelasian Military is famous for it's lack of definitive formations or tactics. As there is no stable ground that's suitable for large scale combat, Gelasians are accustomed to small scale battles


Gelasians worship the gods Themis, Bias, Nireus, Palith and Cilla. As their culture is based of survival and ingenuity, many of these gods represents their struggle to live and surrive in the hostile environment they call home.

Foreign Relations

While having been at constant war with Gelasia, they are more peacful neighbors with the Elves of Szetia, who after thousands of years of war eventually managed to find common ground in a trade agreement.

Agriculture & Industry

Gelasians take advantage of the large amount of water that surrounds them, and while it may mean that they can't grow crops like other civilizations, they are master fishermen, wonderful at harvesting medicinal herbs that grow in their swamps and grow the special tree that provides the long lasting firewood called timberwood.

Trade & Transport

Most Gelasians don't have the required funds for them, but it isn't uncommon to see boats or large toads as a form of transportation.

Tame that which defies you


  • Gelasia
Founding Date
Geopolitical, Country
Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Major Exports
Gelasians are well known for their salt, fuelwood, fish, traditional medicines, textiles, dyes and resins.
Major Imports
Many of Gelasians necesities must be imported, like clothing and weapons as they do not have the required industry to acquire or make their own.
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations

Articles under Gelasia


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